Views: 3463
Sector: Art, Education, Culture
Country: United States
US State: California
City: Yosemite
Size: 2 - 10 employees
Address: PO Box 340, Oakhurst CA 93644
Phone: 559-683-5551

- About -

For over 150 years, artists have played an important role in the establishment of our state and national parks, inspiring people to visit iconic natural sites, and to protect our parks, wild lands and natural resources. Yosemite Renaissance is dedicated to this ideal.
Yosemite Renaissance offers artists inspired by Yosemite National National Park and the California Sierra Nevada range a unique opportunity to display their work. The annual Yosemite Renaissance competition and exhibition opens in March at Yosemite Gateway Art Center in Oakhurst CA, then travels to other art centers across California.

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