Creative Direction

Call for 2024 ICCI ART VALLEY PROGRAM Visiting Artists (Education Oriented)

The open call for visiting artists in the 2024 ICCI ART VALLEY PROGRAM will center on international artists who work with comprehensive media materials in their art practice. With the continuous development of science and technology, the mediums and boundaries of artistic works have been constantly redefined, which has reshaped public perceptions of society, culture, and the artworks themselves. The program specifically focuses on the convergence of "Art plus Technology”, exploring innovative fusion between “Technology" and “Regional culture”, while also delving into the global perspective of contemporary art and cultural diversity.


Exciting news! We're delighted to welcome Cassandra Herzberg as the new jury for our residency in the metaverse. Calling all artists to submit their applications now!


Ceramists around the world work with clay in a myriad of ways. Unlike any other material it has a plasticity and fluidity that can take on many forms and portray many textures. It can have an appearance of wood, stone, paper, glass, metal,…yet be of the same material. A medium as basic as this earth component, humble, elegant, surprising, otherworldly, with a history as long as civilization. What form does it take for you? Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of "Clay" at the Cultural Center of Cape Cod.

Workshop Online: Everything you need to know about curating and organising an exhibition or a pavilion at the (Venice) Biennale.

What is necessary to know about permissions, promotion, funding and more…to make a successful event.

01.07 – 24.07.2024

Deadline: 15 June 2024

The Venice Biennale is a large-scale international contemporary art exhibition. In early May, thousands of art-world denizens descend in the city for the opening of a new edition of the Biennale, the closely watched pageant of contemporary art that has been running—with a few interruptions—since 1895. The Biennale is arguably the most prestigious exhibition in the world, filled with history and also cloaked in myth.

Fringe Italia Off

Milano and Catania off Fringe festivals unite in a single call for artists, Fringe Italia Off!

Are you an artist, company, or performer?

Apply for your show at Fringe Italia OFF, the two festivals spread from north to south. You can participate in one or both  of our Fringe Festivals:


> CATANIA OFF FRINGE FESTIVAL - 3rd Edition 17 – 27 OCTOBER 2024

A Multidisciplinarity showcase of national and international importance.

Several performance categories from the national and international fringe theater scene will be admitted.

Women Art

ollect art is looking for artists, working in different media, such as painting, drawing, textile, illustration, mixed media, photography, collage, and digital art.

Eligibility: Open to all nationalities and any aged 18 and above.

There is no theme for the Issue.



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