
Woman Scream Festival 2021-Global Call for Submission

Woman Scream Festival (Grito de Mujer) in its 11th. edition, opens its first call for video proposals to participate on the virtual events that will take place online, starting March 1st  throughout March  31st , 2021. The chosen theme for this season is: "Women Warriors: Violence is not in quarantine!"

“We, the WOMEN warriors, adapt to any circumstance. We stay strong, in the midst of the worst pandemic. We, who are indoors, quarantined with our abuser. We, the girls who live with those who mistreat us. We, the resilient of life. We, the strong WOMEN who don’t give up, who won’t be silenced, who will never give up or stay quieted! We are brave, we are art, we are hope, we are poetry, we are the SCREAM ”.


The Song Between Our Stars: Open Call for Artists and Writers


Can’t say much about it directly for it all feels flat. The analyses about it will come. The poetry and stories about it will arrive. Later.

Now we are here. We live it, rage it, map it, avoid it, pawn it, mourn it, teach it.

Often there is not enough to create. And still somehow, creation happens. As a coping mechanism. Alternate media as rebellion. As a connecting mechanism. As an instrument of solitude. As a funnel for fear or a bucket for hope.

It’s too much for any one person.

OPEN CALL: work created in 2020, on any subject.

La Maga Zine

Until the 10th of December, we're acepting submissions to colaborate in La Maga Zine, an artist-led publication to be presented in 2021. You can submit your literature, poetry, essays, visual essyas, interviews, drawings, paintings, design, illustration and fothografy to our email

“Portraits” International Call - Art & Literature Journal - Deadline December 31, 2020

| Theme:

Portraits of people and animals tell such great stories. They evoke emotion. They suggest deeper meaning. They tell us about someone else, and maybe even ourselves. Sometimes they’re just beautiful. Or shocking. Or surprising. Share your PORTRAITS with words or imagery.

| Eligible Submissions:

Entries may include 2- and 3-dimensional media, such as paintings, drawings, photography, mixed media, installations, ceramics, jewelry, fabric, sculpture, photos of performance art, fiction, poetry, short stories and other written explorations (up to 900 words). Submissions must be the original work of the applicant(s). Apply using the online form.

| Highlights:

Queer Body Horror

Deriving from the idea of Judith Butler's unfulfilled promise of writing about “the place of sharp machines” and “the technology of the knife in debates about intersexuality and transsexuality alike,” the publication "Queer Body Horror" aims to "force an encounter with the real of the biological body and the difference it introduces into the world, the real of the sexed body, that exceeds the being of the phenomenological lived body and the discursive body, while somehow still being intertwined with these other two bodies...".

INTIMATE MONUMENTS: call for participants

Call for participants: for a digital, textual, participatory map-making initiative


We arrive at MONUMENT from the Latin monēre, "to remind," its roots indicating the centrality of the mind in projects of memorialization. A collaborative project of memory and its sites, material and mental, INTIMATE MONUMENTS is seeking to weave the intimate into a landscape of commemoration. 

How can intimacy––ever individual––speak collectively?

Participants will be asked to submit textual responses to a series of questions. All responses will be recorded anonymously, so as to center the collective voice.


Deadline to submit: 11/30


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