Call for Entries


Espacio Gallery again looking to select 18 artists for this year's Chelsea Fringe exhibition, SYMBIOSIS. This will be our 6th year.

Paintings, sculptures, original prints, drawings, textiles, assembleages. All to do with the natural world : growth, decay, germination, contrasting organic shapes and structures.

no fee to submit - fee to exhibit.

Epoché: Therapeutic Residency for Visual Artists - March 2018​

Epoché: Therapeutic Residency for Visual Artists – 1st – 29th March 2018

ViewPoint Gallery 2018 International Photography Competition

The ViewPoint Gallery 2018 International Photography Competition gives artists the opportunity to exhibit in the vibrant arts community of Halifax, Nova Scotia, home of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design.

Announcing ViewPoint Gallery's sixth international juried call for submissions. This is an opportunity to exhibit your work for one month at ViewPoint Gallery, the only gallery in Halifax devoted to inspiring, engaging, educating & promoting the art of photography. The competition is open to all subject matter.

6x6 - Be there. Be SQUARE.

A square is perfect in it's symmetry and size. Many squares lined up, side by side, form a grid of individually unique pieces that all have just that one thing in common – size and shape.  

The walls of our gallery will be filled with these 6 x 6 squares, showcasing the unique talent and viewpoints of our chosen artists. There are no limitations – let your creativity run wild.

Las Laguna Gallery is now accepting original submissions of 6 X 6 artwork. There are no restrictions on content, style, medium or context, but your entries should fit this theme, either traditionally or digitally, in some way.

2018 - It's Political

It's Political – A Group Exhibition


Though often divisive and inflammatory, we can't avoid politics in today's world. The intrinsic beliefs and opinions that shape us as human beings can almost always be seen in a political light.

For our show this month, we seek pieces that express all things political, regardless of party or belief systems. The artwork may be literal of a politician or political issue or opinion, or it may be figurative and interpretive. It's political, but we value all beliefs and the manner in which these can be expressed, artistically.

Bring Us Your Dead (Dia de los Muertos) 2018

Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a Mexican holiday celebrated by many throughout Mexico and around the world. It is an ancient and enduring ritual in which the living commune with the dead – a mystical night when the veil is lifted between these two realms.

On The Day of the Dead, the lives of deceased loved ones are often commemorated by building altars or creating artwork and gathering around our offerings to share their stories. This is the intent and focus of our show this month.

Las Laguna Gallery is now accepting submissions of artwork commemorating or inspired by Dia de los Muertos. There are no restrictions on content, style, medium or context, but your entries should fit this theme, either traditionally or digitally, in some way.


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