Call for Entries

Nominations for the Most Powerful People in the Art Industry - Open Call

Do you know someone who shapes the landscape of the art world?

We are compiling a comprehensive online list of the most powerful individuals in the art industry, encompassing those who wield influence beyond the traditional boundaries of "fine art." This is not just about artists, but about individuals across various sectors who hold the power to:

  • Shape artistic discourse
  • Drive business within the art world
  • Effect change through social engagement
  • Revolutionize the art industry with technology

We are seeking nominations for individuals who hold power in:

International Art & Design [V-AU: 2024 / 7]

V-AU offers an excellent opportunity for artists who want to announce their art to the world. Europe's most advanced exhibition platform has opened its doors for many art disciplines.

If you are an illustrator, painter, photographer, designer, sculptor, or have a different art discipline, V-AU, a Belgium-based art platform, invites you to the exhibition. You can organize a personal exhibition or open an exhibition with international artists. You will have a verifiable certificate and digital catalog at the end of the events organized online. And it's time to make your art discoverable at a very affordable price!


Call for Art: Two-Dimensional Temporary Public Art Installation

Rochester Contemporary Art Center (RoCo) invites artists to propose three images for a temporary public art installation at our main facility. Through this call for art we aim to offer a simple submission process for incisive, surprising, and unique imagery that will enliven the East Avenue neighborhood. Of particular interest are projects that connect visitors to the location, community and/or history of the neighborhood, challenge visitors and passersby, and address important social and political issues. RoCo welcomes visual artists of all genres. RoCo also invites visual artists to collaborate with literary artists as we have previously shown in this location.

21st accordi @ DISACCORDI - International short film festival - Open for submissions

The accordi @ DISACCORDI entry submission process runs until September 20, 2024. Entries in fiction and documentary short films, short animated, experimental, and research short films are accepted free of charge from filmmakers, professionals, and enthusiasts around the world. Once received, entries are reviewed to determine if they will be selected for the Festival’s Official Competition, which is announced in October.

Earrings Galore 2024 Call for Entry

Earrings Galore is an annual juried exhibition of a rich and diverse array of earrings made by emerging and established studio jewelers. Each artist’s unique approach to the earring format will be represented in a cohesive grouping of 6 pairs of earrings. The grouping should show that it is made with intention, attention to detail and its functionality considered. The exhibition is intended to create more access for the public to engage with art jewelry, cultivate connections with the community and provide opportunities for people to add to their jewelry collection.

Anonymous Drawings 2024

An exhibition for international drawings, curated by Anke Becker

How is one's own judgment of a work of art changed if one knows nothing about the names and origins of the authors? How do you develop your own definition of value if the prices are standardized? Where is the boundary between art and non-art?


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