Faber Talent, LLC


Faber Talent, LLC , 55 Bethune St., Ste. B934 , New York, NY 10014
City: Beverly Hills
Address: The Marshak/Zachary Company , 8840 Wilshire Blvd., Second Fl. , Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Tel: 310-358-9500
City: Van Nuys
Address: Craig Wyckoff & Associates, Inc. , 13952 Runnymede St. , Van Nuys, CA 91405
Tel: 818-752-2300
City: Los Angeles
Address: The Robert Thorne Company , 10940 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1600 , Los Angeles, CA 90024
City: Thousand Oaks
Address: Renee Missel Management , 803 Bright Star St. , Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Tel: 310-463-0638
City: New York
Address: Rosella Olson Management , 319 W. 105th St., Ste. 1F , New York, NY 10025
Tel: 212-864-0336
City: Los Angeles
Address: Myrna Lieberman Management , 3001 Hollyridge Dr. , Los Angeles, CA 90068
Tel: 323-463-8092
City: Santa Monica
Address: Leverage Management , 3030 Pennsylvania Ave. , Santa Monica, CA 90404
Tel: 310-526-0320
City: Mt. Pleasant
Address: CD Models and Talent Agency, LLC , 1240 Winnowing Way, Ste. 102 , Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466
Tel: 843-849-2559
City: Beverly Hills, New York, London
Address: Avalon Management, Inc. , 9171 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 320 , Beverly Hills, CA 90210, Avalon Management, Inc. , 31 W. 26th St., Sixth fl. , New York, NY 10010, Avalon Management, Inc. , 4A Exmoor Street , London, England W10 6BD
Tel: 310-424-1700
City: North Hollywood
Address: Jeffrey Loseff Management , 4521 Colfax Ave., Ste. 205 , North Hollywood, CA 91602
Tel: 818-505-9468
City: Studio City
Address: ABC Management Group , 11271 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 510 , Studio City, CA 91604
Tel: 425-985-4176
City: New York
Address: Sinclair Management , 95 Christopher St., Ste. 6F , New York, NY 10014
Tel: 212-366-9400
