Anja Jelaska

Country where you live:

City where you live:

Statement : 

 In my work I explore the correlation between certain criticism, parody and play through a variety of media. I am interested in relations between symbolic, subconscious and conscious, also reality and illusion in general. Often I interfere context of game and its elements in order to emphasize the infantile character of the part of the work, work which is sometimes wrapped in a serious form. I am taking seemingly familiar elements from the reality; I am changing their purpose, bringing them to the absurdity and vice versa giving something seemingly certain importance and role. Sometimes it is about interventions in space, interventions with which only in small shifts and different adjustment in space and within space known purposeful contexts of objects lose their meaning and purpose and become aesthetic objects in space. It is always about questioning the roles and limits of the imagination within the reality, construct and upgrade within physical and mental shape in relation to the work, and about the possibilities of transformation, conversion and directing various elements.

Borrowed Place
Lonely Tunes
No surprises (go to sleep)
Superhik Society
United States
Los Angeles
United States
New York
United States



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