Artist Of The Month
December 2021

Artists : Mari Masouridou, Nadyia Duff, Marco Riha, Irina Howard, Christine McCann


Originally from Austria, Marco Riha has started his  long creative  journey  in Sri Lanka in the early nineties. The self-taught artist he kept on painting and travelling for some years until he found in Mexico his creative home base. The visual arts fascinate Riha, like the possibili...
United States
Nadyia Duff is a Miami-based Artist, Art Educator, Museum Educator, and Podcast Producer and host with roots in Jamaica. As an artist  she creates elaborate illustrations that mixes pen, watercolor, marker, acrylic, crayons, and digital media to create detailed and intriguing narratives. Her in...
Acknowledging the ubiquity of suffering and inspired by Nietzsche’s philosophy, my response to the tragedy of life is to embrace the suffering it entails. In my practice I use photography as a main medium and explore the human condition, the forgotten and the repressed, highlighting the symbolic rel...
United States
New York
I love stormy weather. Foreboding skies. Excited air. Moody drenched days. These energize me and draw me to capture the fleeting light and intense colors that precede dramatic weather. I also love cities. To walk in cities is to be alone and anonymous yet connected to humanity...
New York City
Making art to me is a profound process of personal discovery and development. My work manifests beauty and seeks the inner creative significance to reach those who appreciate classical ideals while still being inspired by contemporary ways of speaking about human values. I am fasci...


ArtJobs " Artist of the month " aim to showcase innovative and contemporary
work from established and emerging talent throughout the world
( Arts, Photography, Fashion, Design )

art jobs




Artist Of The Month
November 2021

Artists : Olga Radionova, Odo Hans, Mark T. Smith, Akane Hiraoka, David Joseph Fleshman


United States
Las Vegas
As a painter and digital designer, my artistic work has an important place in today’s art world by merging both traditional and digital artwork in one cohesive style. My work is inspired by Alan Fletcher, Herbert Bayer, Max Miedinger, Irina Furman, Paul Cezanne, and Wayne Thiebaud. The two media...
My current artistic explorations are focused around my collection of art catalogues. The catalogues are disassembled and pieced together again. Pages painted over, whole catalogues gashed and torn up. Art becomes material, these catalogues rearrangement an examination of the influences that shape th...
United Kingdom
Reality is generated by digital information and the electrical signals in your brain interpret that data into what you call reality.
«My soft sculptures are an example of creativity beyond tradition. I mix different material to make something beautiful, to express my vision of unconscious»
United States
Mark T Smith’s work embraces the classic skills of drawing and painting with the balance of a modern mindset. His work is an experiential exploration of the human drama, from the personal right through to the archetypal. The artist has a primary interest in the tactile experience of making beautiful...


Special Award
November 2021

Artists : Db Waterman, Julianne Wheeler, Angela Su, Alena Shaburdina, Ana - Maria Guta


United States
I love the challenge of recreating the complex city scenes I come across as I wander through the streets of Boston. My work becomes a form of meditative reflection on cold winter days as I render the scenes, offering my own interpretation of the shadows and surfaces presented to me. With my preferre...
Kids inspire me. Their ability to transcend any given rotten situation is astounding. Playing tag in the ruins of a bombed Syrian city. Playing football in the most miserable neighborhoods. They are always looking for the light. They will save the future that our generations have really messed up, n...
United States
Painting is the realization of her authentic self; it allows her to tap into a universal omnipresence beyond the transient physical forms.  Albeit a physical act, it quiets conscious thoughts and takes her into the vast radiance of her true nature, allowing the reality of awareness to manifest...
Through my art I want to bring more awareness, to inspire, to transpose the viewer into another world, a non-conceptual one, a world in which to feel through visualization, to escape from the so-called real world. I want to reach his soul, to break the created personality, to make the viewer himself...
Deep artworks for deep people. I follow the path of awareness and create unique works for the soul, reflecting the uniqueness of the perception of each moment.



Artist Of The Month
October 2021

Artists : Paula Saneaux, Ilar Gunilla Persson, Mia Luo, Leandra Agazzi, Ilze Egle


United States
My work explores topics related to human behavior, mental health, and social influences, stereotypes, and taboos. It also offers an ironic discourse on issues like self-objectification, and existential matters such as the fragility of life and illnesses, along with its outcomes. I paint worlds that...
Born in a family of two artists, I draw and paint since I was half a year old. I capture moments and details which show the fragility of the world. They tell a story and ask the observer to stop and appreciate nature, relationships, and life. More detailed and intricate levels of my work reveal to a...
My art could be described, abstract images, thundering landscapes with installations, political social art interspersed with Nordic mysticism. I work with things close to me to affect, question and hopefully influence.
United Kingdom
Qingyu Luo is a photographer and graduated from Goldsmiths University of London. She do not limit herself to one medium, style or concept. This project involves exploring the identity of the individual and the understanding of space.
My installation and sculptural works move between animism and animation. Thus, I combine craft techniques and natural materials that have their own history with digital media and contemporary themes. The works concentrate on a single point, out from which the viewer’s gaze proceeds over geometric...


Special Award
October 2021

Artists : Mia, Gerard McGregor, Ran Fuchs, Victoria McBride, Anastasios Perros


Since I moved my residence to Andorra, I have had the privilege of being able to enjoy the mountains, the snow, and nature in a very pure state. I wanted to capture the peace that wild nature transmits to me in my work in order to "materialize" unique and exceptional moments. Much of my work is rela...
Photography is my way to learn to see without a camera, and know the place for the first time.
United Kingdom
The overall theme in my work is that of memory and how it relates to modern technology. Having worked in a variety of jobs over the years that have involved using computerised machinery, along with my everyday over use of my mobile phone, I have long been fascinated with how technology is shaping ou...
Estados Unidos
I Am Creator. That is the most profound gift. For this, I am grateful.
Life moments behind mobile phone camera



Artist Of The Month
September 2021

Artists : Ilaria Virginia Ronchi, Anousha Salehi, Valerie JA Vandermotten, Alexandru-Ștefan Răduță, Anita Clipston


United States
New York
Wearing & Unraveling Trauma  There have always been threads, whether conscious or subconscious, that have woven through the fabric of my life. For me these threads have been Cocoons of Love and Cages of Trauma. The rooms in my paintings are imagined spaces that hold within them the tr...
United Kingdom
Anousha’s sculptural practice represents the body in amorphous fragments, often made from materials such as wax and expanding foam that ooze, are viscous or are temporal so as to imitate the instability of the human body. Her work is an exploration of abject embodiment and corporeal e...
Inspired by the colours themselves, memories of places and nature, I combine different colours to find some harmony that I want fragile as the impermanence of life. I look for subtle depth and light while overlapping gestural marks. I wish to achieve beauty and a visual sensory which are meditative...
Four Black Walls I is part of a digital series made during the pandemic. It is an exploration of the process of self-dissolution under the influence of isolation. The relation between the self and the world is vital. A self outside the world is doomed to disintegration. All that remains of...
Visual art as photgraphy must be free from the aestetich of this century, it will take time but the results will be art in the deep sense of human soul. Shapes, fluidity, sense of harmony not defined and stereotyped, abstract floss of colors that will resonate inside. 



Artist Of The Month
August 2021

Artists : Jenny Jiyoung Han, Dorothée Zombronner, Jonathan Bocca, Jolene Liam, Kristina Kassem


life is just a moment that's why we need to change what we feel wrong 
United States
Kristina Kassem is a Brooklyn based painter and designer. Her current work explores both deconstructing the traditional portrait as well as traditional beauty's ephemerality.
Dorothée Zombronner arranges different media to visualize them in other or new kinds of ways. A central issue in her works is a critical discussion of normative beauty and the questioning of assigned visual habits. Her favorite medium is watercouler-painting, she also works with collages and photogr...
United Kingdom
My architectural background and work have fuelled an interest in documenting how places and spaces are occupied, which informs my illustrations and vice versa. These include floor plans divested of the architecture itself and defined through the things inside it, spaces described through visual inve...
Driven by curiosity, I pose the question of how societies construct their original functionality in creative domains. I am a multi-disciplinary visual artist who has gained international recognition from gallery representation since the 2020 summertime when the Covid hit across the world.  M...



Artist of the month
July 2021

Artists : Ci Kunigk, Lori goldberg, Kim Oberoi, Babeth Lijzenga, Ashlee René Thompson


United Arab Emirates
My work essentially explores the dimensions of consciousness in human awareness with its internal and external stimuli as a response to the societal, environmental and personal experiences. Art has offered me solace, healing and a source if constant learning in this ever changing world. My work pred...
My mind is a mess, which is nice. I am doing things that feel right to do. I am a homester who likes nature because of the green tones and it's organic shapes. Sometimes I come out of my cocoon to explore other possibilities in life. I feel free when I am documenting. My work arouses tension and...
United States
My current body of work walks the line of spontaneity and intentionality by portraying the chaos and complexity of life. This work is an interpretation of how I experience the world around me as well as how I explore my own anxious mind. The surfaces build similarly to stream of consciousness writin...
The common object has often found its way into my art; from personal sacred objects, mundane for the viewer, but for the owner imbued with private meaning.  My recent paintings serves to open up a dialogue about our relationship to our environment portraying our objects that are discarded an...
United States
Photography today represents a vast field accessible to everyone as a documentation of their lives and experiences. As my artistic expression it takes a lot of personal research and investigation on how I'd like to communicate what I see, understand and recreate. Photography was always an important...



Artist of the month
June 2021

Artists : Anya Tikhomirova, Ling Hsiu Tsai, Daniel Rollitt, Emanuela Iuliana Harris Sintamarian, Cameron Lings


United States
As an immigrant artist, my work is informed by the relationship between my identity to my sense of displacement, and the ways I have devised to reconcile those incongruous elements.  I am interested in perception, memory and the mechanics of motion, their visual translation, and the dichotomies...
United Kingdon
Noah Davis said: “painting, like spirituality, makes people very uncomfortable.” Uncomfortable is good. It’s the juicy intersection between the chaos and unpredictability of the outside world, and the peace and tranquillity of the inside world. As an abstract artist, I use acrylic and mixed media...
New Taipei City
I see my work as slow activism of spiritual growth, respect, love, and realization about life and even death. This series, Girl's Dream is a series I began in 2020, a self-discovery into her deep secrets and comfort zones. 
I am a glass and ceramic artist specialising in creating kiln-formed sculptural, architectural, and site-specific artwork. Traditional and digital techniques are often combined to create work based upon my observations of the natural world or social issues. I exploit glass’s unique material properti...
North Yorkshire
Cameron Lings is a Contemporary Artist and Sculptor based in the North East of the UK. Throughout his extensive artistic practice, aspects of time, data and statistics are combined within the context of a singular event, in order to realise an abstract yet functionally readable piece of work. Here,...




Artist of the month
May 2021

Artists : Karla Marchesi, Olga Zafeiropoulou, Nathaly Orozco, LIBE, Ana Maria Guta


A visual and digital artist, my work is in the tradition of conceptual art. As a whole my research into images is about escaping from our conditioning to bring forward our individual relations in the world. I employ installation, photography, performance, artist books and programming to articulate i...
I create to find serenity and pass it on people. Facing my deepest fears and turn them into happiness.  Helping others, through my art, to do the same. Identify demons. Accept their existence. Find power. Create merriment. Clay is just an ongoing assistant, which I deeply appreciate....
My most recent collection, Sugar Fever Dream presents a range of hyper-natural Post-Humanist landscapes. With an air of affirmative nihilism and a playful aesthetic of excess, Sugar Fever Dream is a counter vision to Western thought at the height of anthropocentrism. In a waking...
United States
Santa Monica
My parents immigrated from Guatemala to the United States in search of that “American Dream” but never abandoning their roots, and so my work encompasses the beauty and history of Guatemala. I wanted to not only demonstrate the scenic landscapes but also capture the culture through colors and p...
As an artist I seek to explore more about the nature of Universe, consciousness, divinity , life journey and energy around and inside us. I admit that our universe is crossed by invisible flows and currents which are found and influence the artworks of each artist. I am mesmerized about the subtle t...


Special Award
May 2021

Artists : Juan Carlos Sanchez Sabogal, Anja Jelaska, Gale Rothstein, Alena Shaburdina, Dimitris Pikros


My work has always focused on creating thematic art projects, telling stories (personal or not) that make the viewer think and find out the relation with the artwork. I am motivated in creating art that represent the outlook of the present moment, trying to fuse a new dialogue of shapes, textures an...
Deep pictures to deep people. I follow the path of awareness and create unique works for your soul, reflecting the uniqueness of the perception of each moment.
United States
New York
My art practice has always been putting together the pieces. Reimagined through re-use, my work is informed by my former career as a jewelry designer, my passion for foraging and collecting antiques, harvesting broken appliances and other damaged objects, and rescuing found objects from the street t...
Exploring the boundaries of Portraiture through the ideas of pause, silence, and nothingness was vital to expand my creative practice. As a portrait artist, I developed the notion of comprehending my artwork as a way of recalling my models, since I feel indebted to them for allowing me to draw them....
 In my work I explore the correlation between certain criticism, parody and play through a variety of media. I am interested in relations between symbolic, subconscious and conscious, also reality and illusion in general. Often I interfere context of game and its elements in order to emphasize...



Artist of the month
April 2021

Artists : Elisa Rossi, Roxiere, Julia SH, Bibby Gignilliat, Tom Atwood


United States
Los Angeles
I frequently take pictures of female models with body types that aren’t normally featured in photography. I often frame these models in a Fine Art context (e.g. portraying them as sculptures in a museum, as paintings, or geographical terrain) in an effort to hinder the viewer from making a kneejerk...
The wilderness of my native Patagonia, the cosmopolitan metropolis of Buenos Aires, and the mountains of Colorado, certainly influenced my vision of Art. A fascination for abstraction was always present, even during my first steps when photography was my main focus. Large formats and energetic mot...
Los Angeles
 I paint because I must, I couldn’t conceive a life without painting. Art has been and is my medicine, my commitment, it has empowered me with the possibility of transmuting what I was trying to push away into something, somehow, beautiful . My creative process fluctuates between subconscious...
United States
As a recovering perfectionist I choose to work in mixed media using collage and acrylic because it’s forgiving. I love bold colors, geometric shapes and text which come alive with whimsy on wood panels and paper. I am happiest when I am drawing outside the lines on the canvas and in life. My work...
United States
New York City
Kings & Queens in Their Castles has been called one of the most ambitious photo series ever conducted of the LGBTQ experience in the USA.  Over 15 years, Atwood photographed more than 350 subjects at home nationwide, including nearly 100 celebrities.  With individuals from 30 states, A...


Special Award
April 2021

Artists : Kylie Norton, Li Mo, Aaron Cobbett, Lisa McCleary, S. P. Harper


United States of America
Brooklyn NY
The transformative power of costumes, hair / make-up and stagecraft has been the driving force behind my photography, film and performance since the mid 1990’s. In 2013, feeling the need to shift towards a more tactile practice, I started developing techniques of merging photography and textiles,...
United States
New York
Through the medium of oil paint my work captures imagery of the everyday in New York City to highlight the dystopian reality of 2020. My practice focuses on the screen as a surface of mediation, protection, isolation, safety and fear. I consider the courage of our essential workers during these unpr...
United States
Los Angeles
Eliciting desire. What is it? Who creates it? Part of eco-centric art, aka neo-materialism, and inspired by her diamantaire (diamond cutter) grandfather, S. P. Harper paints and constructs abstract geometrics using reclaimed materials, synthesizing historical and contemporary styles by mixing the...
New Zealand
Ōtepoti based artist, Kylie Norton, has been practising and refining her embroidery skills since her childhood. Originally an Art History major with a focus on fetishization in fashion photography, she has been using her art to explore her passions for feminism, femininity and the bonds between wome...
United States
Los Angeles
LI MO is a Los Angeles-based fashion and knitwear designer who grew up in Shenzhen China. When she was 16 years old, she started her life journey in the United States. Under the collision of eastern and western culture, she aims to bring the diversity of ethnicities, architecture, cultures and high...



Artist of the month
March 2021

Artists : Zofia Maria Lamprecht, Manuela Viera-Gallo, Verena Bauer, Phil N Leith-Tetrault, Natalia Ostapenko


United States
My work explores the idea of beauty in desolation. Inspired by my childhood trips to Greenland, Newfoundland, and Northern Quebec, I emphasize the pristine beauty of these environments as well as their loneliness and distance from the modern world. The landscapes suggest places free of society's gri...
She has developed a highly refined and graphic, abstract style, which creates kaleidoscopic, geometric compositions with carefully honed, evocative colour palettes. This rigorously executed approach draws on her past experience as a designer as well as making reference to historic painting movements...
My art is all about the aesthetics of people´s bodies. I really like to experiment with colours and forms. Therefore, I want viewers to look at my paintings in various angles to explore my paintings in different ways. Look closely, look from far away, see it as a whole, only look at special forms, o...
United States
Los Angeles
These works depict my exploration of the [multidimensional] concept of "home", how it applies to my life, and appreciation for those small moments that make me feel safe or transcendent (for better or worse). 
United States
For the last two decades I have been preoccupied with visual stories mostly informed by my life experiences and shaped through a distinctly feminine voice.  The current social and political volatility that we have been observing in our recent past in the United States feels very close to my exp...


Special Award
March 2021

Artists : Aleksander Betko, Leah Oates, Gayle Printz, Harshita Garode, Jason Engelbart


United States
I am a fine artist that captures the definition of life in New York City. My work is a range of images from landscapes, to cityscapes, to introspective moments that define the resiliency and strength it takes to live one’s life on their own terms in a seemingly cold and unforgiving city that provide...
ARTIST STATEMENT ”In art lies the chance to bring faith, hope and meaning into our world without following traditional religious approaches. Art always brings people into a current relationship with being. It is a source of inspiration for looking inwards - for contemplating and reflecting on one...
United Kingdom
My artwork revolves around the social, political and cultural issues faced by women in our generation today. The societal norms put forth by the men in our era and the struggles encountered by the women till date has an endless history. I find myself continually fighting and standing for women’s rig...
United States of America
Listen to the whispers of your imagination... Because I believe the importance of my artwork is based upon the emotion it evokes, I want to give you the uninterrupted freedom to experience the world in unanticipated ways. Using color, flow, three-dimensionality, and disti...
The world thus appears to be a complicated tissue of events in which connections of different kinds alternate, overlap or combine and thereby determine the texture of the whole. All phenomena are processes, connections, all is in flux, and at moments this flux is visible. - Peter Mattiessen from The...



Artist of the month
February 2021

Artists : Ricardo DE ARMAS, Dora Duan, Anastasiya Balaban, Pierrick Senelaer, Agata di Masternak


United Kingdom
I am fascinated by drawing people’s eyes deep into my landscape by offering them a quiet and serene place where they can feel at ease. Contrast, movement and colours are notions that drive the landscapes and sceneries I produce. The CUBE series I am working on at the moment is the attempt of usin...
Unite States
“Restless” Memories are collective moments, which sometimes remain with us as a shadow, even though they are intangible. Over the past few years, I have been thinking about imperfection and unworthiness. This body of work investigates some uneasy or vulnerable moments in my earlier life as a way...
United Kingdom UK
I explore my subject to the very boundaries between life and death. My art reflects the transcendent act of crossing the border of souls living in the body.
Project Statement  The body is beautiful in all its forms and your body was once revered as a standard. Throughout the historical process, people try to find a common denominator– to define the beautiful and the ugly relative to the unchanging pattern. This project is body-pos...
In my evolution as a creator, my approaches are always linked with my philosophical development and my islander condition. Bearer of a critical culture, considering on the socio political reality, I use semantic powers of art to create works whose impact goes beyond the local context. Space an...


Special Award
February 2021

Artists : Elli Masterton, Freya Moffat, DINK aka Dom Czepiga, Yutong Liu, Olga


United Kingdom
My name is Elli Masterton. I was born and raised in Zimbabwe by my Rhodesian dad and English mum, our dogs and cat Juma, Megs and Thumby. The corrupt economic and political situation in Zimbabwe meant we moved to England when I was 5. Fast forward 14 years, I went to university in Falmouth, Cornwall...
United States
Mount Pleasant
Typography is ambiguous; it is both art and tool. When arranged, it makes up the written language and when combined with imagery it transitions to art. My body of works contains human facial features combined with overlapping typography to convey the issues one would tend to discount; it acts as a j...
United States
“When you sit in front of me, you become me.” “It starts from touch, It is generated by touch, It communicates through touch, It will end with touch.” Touch is a kind of memory. Did you touch your laptop, computer, or your telephone today? In the Western World, “To see the world in a grain of sand...
United Kingdom
Freya Moffat is a painter, sculptor and draftsperson. Her most recent work uses papier-mache, recycled cardboard boxes and is ultimately documented as photographs. The photographs are taken, for the most part, from outside of the domestic background into which the sculptures are subsumed; eerie,...
New York
Olga’s work focuses on storytelling, and provokes independent thinking. Inspired by the symbolism of Old Masters, she developed a unique pictorial language. Olga sources her images from printed contemporary advertisements, focusing on images rooted in consumer-facing objects and branded identities....



Artist of the month
January 2021

Artists : Marcella Colavecchio, Andrew Orloski, Harry T Burleigh, Margot Hartford, Yasmin Sharabi


Yasmin Sharabi explores her heritage and identity, through her drawings of memories of a specific moment in time. Derived from photographs that either she has taken or that have been passed down through generations, these are replicas of real scenes. Despite their lyricism, nothing is fictionaliz...
United States of America
King George
Abstract and surrealistic works of art are thought to be esoteric in nature, and yet even within these groups, no two individuals will process what they are seeing in the same way.   For me, the adventure of creating a painting, is not knowing exactly what or who will appear before my eyes u...
United States of America
San Francisco
When I was forced to keep my distance during these days of Covid I decided to put together a photo series of women on their own. Women by themselves illustrated through quiet, wistful images. Alone but content and capable. I was hoping to capture these inbetween moments in a colorful and optomistic...
United States of America
My current work explores notions of monumentalism and banality with an inquisitive look at mundane, often overlooked objects we surround ourselves with daily.  My process utilizes a variety of traditional and contemporary mold making techniques, which aid in the transformation of objects throug...
United States
I am a contemporary figurative artist working in acrylic and classical drawing medium. My work focuses on timely concepts of gender and identity, creating a space for dismantling large-scale societal and cultural systems of oppression. While my paintings are momentous in movement and bold with color...


Special Award
January 2021

Artists : Lidija Ristic, Emily LaRoche, Myles Dunigan, Jusktyna Adamczyk, Stewart Bryden


In her work Ristić strives to create complexity. This is achieved through layering that takes place on a multitude of levels. In the physical and immediate sense, it is seen by how she combines materials, both fabricated and found, in intricate ways that both celebrate their material nature and...
United Kingdom UK
I can best express my emotions through painting. I am looking for a simple but original, symbolic form. My works are often iconographic. Each image is associated with a personal story. I am fascinated by relationships with people. I illustrate my own subjective view ... I treat painting like a noteb...
United States of America
In an era where we feel increasingly displaced from the natural world, due to polarizing ecological rhetoric or the ever-encroaching role technology plays in our daily experiences, I believe there exists a need for the unreal, the unseen. This is not a call for fantasy, but rather a radical restruct...
United States
San Francisco
Emily LaRoche is a photographer, artist and environmentalist who grew up in the Bay Area. She gets a majority of inspiration from walking in the streets. Combining both street photography and mixed media, she collects, documents and creates with items or moments taken in (or from) the streets. ...



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ArtJobs " Artist of the month " aim to showcase innovative and contemporary
work from established and emerging talent throughout the world
( Arts, Photography, Fashion, Design )

art jobs