Digital Artist Of The Month
April 2023

Artists :Chloe Hughes, Xiaodong Yu, Christa Capua, Elzbieta Zdunek, Richard McCoy


United Kingdom
This image was created as part of a body of work combining imagery with sound through a conscious delivery system. It is the conscious consequence of how a sound affects a chosen subject, a sensory creation through a visual output. This concept developed whilst travelling around Japan: Tokyo, Kyoto...
"Plane and depth" means a transformation from a spatial definition based on clearly separated planes to a spatial understanding based on continuous receding. Traditional printmaking is a kind of plane art. Its depth of ideology and language makes it stand out from other paintings. Because it can tra...
United States
I love the forgotten corners, the secret gardens, the ephemera, the attics.  The drawers in an old desk, the shoebox full of letters.  My current work is digital collage, which I find allows for a plasticity both in how I layer images and how I render the final product – whether it be on c...
Recently I've been exploring the limits of classical sculpture, print and portraiture. Here the works sit between reality and virtuality – rendered in 3D space. Here I continue my explorations of truth, mythmaking and the fluid nature of the past as well as the weight of our digital lives....
The quote by the Roman philosopher Phaedrus hasn’t lost its validity since the first century CE: “Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many”. Creating digital compositions in which all of the parts blend seamlessly together, while emanating the textures of ripped paper...