Contemporary art

9th Biennial FOOTPRINT International Competition


March 17, 2024 (Via CaFÉ)

April 13, 2024

Sunday, June 2, 2024, 2-4 PM

June 2 – August 25, 2024

The Boomer Art Prize: 2nd Edition - Call for Artists | £10,000 in Cash Awards!

After the resounding success of its inaugural edition, Boomer Gallery proudly invites creators from every visual arts discipline to participate in the second "Boomer Art Prize." We are eagerly looking forward to discovering perspectives and innovative visions that artists from all over the world bring to this grand stage.


Boomer Gallery continues its commitment to recognizing, promoting, and supporting excellence in the expansive domain of art, inviting both local and international artists to showcase their craft.


The New Artist | Call For Artists!

In the last hundred years, humankind has seen unprecedented innovations and changes, from skyscrapers to moon landings, to social media, to human rights, to Art...? 


At this very moment in our society, everything moves incredibly fast, time doesn’t seem sufficient anymore. Artists seem to find their path much harder, the ongoing changes create a need for a continuous state of transcendence, and this is reflected in contemporary art.


The aim of this exhibition is to explore the trends in contemporary art and to create a dialogue between the artists and the viewers.


Gallery Space:


Why Do You Do It? | Call For Artists!

Why do we create art? For what purpose? What drives us?


This question has perplexed humanity for decades, yet a definitive answer eludes us. 

Are we motivated by the idea of fame and wealth, or is there a deeper calling?


From the dawn of civilization, individuals have sought to leave their imprint multitude ways, on cave walls, papyrus, etc. In ancient times, a cave painting wasn't shared widely like today's viral content, it was often witnessed by just a few. Thus, the intrinsic urge to craft art surely goes beyond mere pursuit of riches and acclaim.


MetaU Art 2023 International Art Competition

This competition aims to discover young and talented artists based around the world, providing them with opportunities for international exposure. Discover, Recognize and Support to the young artists are the mission of MetaU Art Competition. Winners of the competition will have the opportunity to showcase theirs artworks at major international art fairs in Los Angeles, New York , San Francisco etc.

Dreams & Nightmares | Call For Artists!

Could dreams and nightmares be the potent driving force behind our creative processes, the mysterious catalysts igniting the flame of artistic inspiration?


A significant number of artists affirm this belief wholeheartedly. 


Some find their deepest inspirations enveloped in the essence of dreams, immersing themselves in a blissful trance of creation. This state transcends mere aspiration, becoming a surreal canvas where possibilities bloom endlessly, a place where the mind wanders, seeking the sublime, the ethereal, fostering an insatiable quest to reach heights previously unimagined, somehow, somewhere.



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