Cultural Center of Cape Cod

Art & Poetic Text

TITLE: "Art & Poetic Text"

In celebration of Poetry Month, Words in art. Poetry and art. Words and art together. The symbiosis of poetry and art can come together in many ways; a multi-layered fiber work with sewn text….an alabaster sculpture with etched out stanzas….an ink painting with poetry transfers…embossed text in metal…hidden poems within a drawing, faded out, off the page…poetry and art interacting in simple or complex and surprising ways. Show us your work. Explore the medium, words, concepts, and messages- the special symbiosis of the art created and the poetry within.


Art and sculpture IN MOTION! We want art that will create visible motion across the gallery, to fill the gallery WITH MOVEMENT. Hangings, sculptures, mobiles—plus paintings—to create a moving, 3-D experience! Powered by the small movements of air in the gallery, electricity, or human assistance – this exhibition will bring motion and energy into the Cultural Center. So, let us see your interpretation of "Kinetic" and help us expand both time and space in our galleries. Whether your work is small and subtle, or large and loud, show us your kinetic art.

Hispanic Heritage - The Tapestry of America

"Hispanic Heritage - The Tapestry of America," will run in the Cultural Center from October 11–November 10, 2022. This exhibition will focus on the Hispanic influence reflected in this country and embodied in its traditions, tastes, music, and art. We have five galleries to wrap in art of all mediums, from light and sound, fine art and authentic craft, or photography and film.


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