Acting Training with Kathryn Rossetter


Acting Training with Kathryn Rossetter , 325 W. 45th St. , New York, NY 10036
City: Los Angeles
Address: Acting Classes On Camera , 7700 Sunset blvd. , Los Angeles, CA 90046
Tel: 310-358-5942
City: New York
Address: Anania Studio , 212 W. 29th St., Third Fl. , New York, NY 10001
Tel: 646-382-4171
City: Burbank
Address: Bua Acting for Life , 3435 W. Magnolia Blvd. , Burbank, CA
Tel: 818-547-3810
City: Greensboro
Address: Dan Callaway Studio , Greensboro, NC
City: Los Angeles
Address: Andrew Wood Acting Studio, , 1122 N. Gower St. , Los Angeles, CA 90038
Tel: 323-836-2176
City: Santa Monica
Address: Carol Tingle Voice Studio , 2918 #C Santa Monica Blvd. , Santa Monica, CA 90404
Tel: 310-828-3100
City: Los Angeles
Address: Sandy Holt/Voice Caster , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 310-271-8217
City: New York
Address: Broadway Artists Alliance/Musical Theatre Intensive Training for Young Performers , 520 Eighth Ave., 17th Fl. , New York, NY 10018
Tel: 212-561-9429
City: New York
Address: American Globe Theatre Conservatory , 145 W. 46th St., Third Fl. , New York, NY 10036
Tel: 646-236-0062
City: Santa Monica
Address: Piero Dusa , 220 San Vicente Blvd. Ste. 613 , Santa Monica, CA 90402
Tel: 310-310-3650
City: Brooklyn
Address: American Theatre of Harlem , 138 S. Oxford St. , Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tel: 718-744-8696
City: New York
Address: Audition Technique with Jason Buyer , 126 E. 83th St. , New York, NY 10028
Tel: 646-535-6821 (NY)
