Actors Connection


Actors Connection , 630 Ninth Ave., Ste. 1410 , New York, NY 10036
City: New York
Address: Sara Lazarus Studio , New York, NY
Tel: 973-218-0417
City: Los Angeles
Address: Marjorie Gaines , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 818-481-4466
City: Moorestown
Address: Renee’s Studio , 875 Cox Rd. , Moorestown, NJ 08057
Tel: 609-220-7537
City: Santa Monica
Address: Santa Monica Playhouse Actors’ Workshop Performance LAB , 1211 Fourth St., Ste. 201 , Santa Monica, CA 90401-1391
Tel: 310-394-9779, ext. 673
City: New York
Address: Actors Connection , 630 Ninth Ave., Ste. 1410 , New York, NY 10036
Tel: 212-776-4900
City: Los Angeles
Address: JTS Casting , Los Angeles, CA
City: Los Angeles
Address: Catlin Adams Acting Lab , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 323-851-8811
City: Astoria
Address: The Acting Place , 32-15 38th St. , Astoria, NY 11103
Tel: 718-721-7610
City: Los Angeles
Address: Sandra Caruso, Theater Professor , 11916 Saltair Terrace , Los Angeles, CA 90049
Tel: 310-613-5265
City: Phoenix
Address: Shawn Nelson Film Acting Master Class , Phoenix, AZ
City: Shadow Hills
Address: The Travis Story Center , 10322 Mary Bell Ave. , Shadow Hills, CA 91040
Tel: 818-273-9273
City: North Hollywood
Address: The Acting Corps , 5508 Cahuenga Blvd. , North Hollywood, CA 91601
Tel: 818-753-2800
