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The BGB Studio (Bramon Garcia Braun)
- North Hollywood
The BGB Studio (Bramon Garcia Braun)
, 10999 Riverside Dr., Ste. 301
, North Hollywood, CA 91602
City: New York
Address: Bruce Ornstein Acting Workshop
, 64 W. Fourth St.
, New York, NY, 10003
Tel: 212-802-4955
Website: http://www.actingclassnyc.com
City: Franklin
Address: The Actor's School
, 128 Holiday Court, Ste. 128
, Franklin, TN 37067
Tel: 615-500-7661
Website: http://www.actorsschoolusa.com
City: New York
Address: Magnet Theater
, 254 W. 29th St.
, New York, NY 10001
Tel: 212-244-2400
Website: http://www.magnettheater.com
City: New York
Address: HB Studio
, 120 Bank St.
, New York, NY 10014
Tel: 212-675-2370
Website: http://www.hbstudio.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HBStudioNYC
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hbstudionyc/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HBStudioNYC
City: Valley Village
Address: Quit Acting!
, 5312 Radford Ave., Ste. 5
, Valley Village, CA 91607
Tel: 818-437-1911
Website: http://www.quitacting.com
City: Burbank
Address: Gobetti/Ormeny Acting Studio
, 3326 W. Victory Blvd.
, Burbank, CA 91505
Tel: 818-841-4404
City: Hudson
Address: Micha, The Michael Chekhov Association
, P.O. Box 178
, Hudson, NY 12534
Tel: 202-841-5141
Website: http://www.michaelchekhov.org
City: New York
Address: Alan Wynroth
, 61 Morton St.
, New York, NY 10014
Tel: 212-675-9267
City: New York
Address: Hispanic Organization of Latin Actors
, 107 Suffolk St., Ste. 302
, New York, NY 10002-3305
Tel: 212-253-1015
Website: http://www.hellohola.org
City: Studio City
Address: Harry Mastrogeorge Professional Workshop
, 11012 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 353
, Studio City, CA 91604
Tel: 818-509-0789
Website: http://www.harrymastrogeorge.com
City: Studio City
Address: Elizabeth Mestnik Acting Studio (EMAS)
, 11423 Moorpark St.
, Studio City, CA 91604
Tel: 323-528-6280
Website: http://www.emasla.com
City: New York
Address: Susan Grace Cohen Studio
, New York, NY
Tel: 212-678-8515