Creative Combustion Acting Studio


Creative Combustion Acting Studio , 3691 Wrightwood Dr. , Studio City, CA 91604
City: Los Angeles
Address: Kate McGregor-Stewart , Los Angeles, CA
City: Santa Monica
Address: Wallace Audition Technique , 1148 Fourth St., Ste. 207 , Santa Monica, CA 90403
Tel: 323-960-7852
City: Claremont
Address: Young Actors Camp , 975 W. Foothill Blvd. , Claremont, CA 91711
Tel: 909-982-8059
City: New York
Address: HB Studio , 120 Bank St. , New York, NY 10014
Tel: 212-675-2370
City: Sherman Oaks
Address: David Kagen’s School of Film Acting , 4629 Van Nuys Blvd., Ste. D , Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: 818-783-5300
City: Los Angeles
Address: Matthew Barry Teaches , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 818-759-4425
City: Los Angeles
Address: The Groundlings School , 7307 Melrose Ave. , Los Angeles, CA 90046
Tel: 323-934-4747, ext. 2
City: New York
Address: Robert Dagny’s Performer Audition Package , P.O. Box 852 , New York, NY 10150-0852
Tel: 212-371-8258
City: Los Angeles
Address: Annie Grindlay Studio , 7461 Beverly Blvd., Ste. 403 , Los Angeles, CA 90036
Tel: 323-954-1200
City: Brooklyn
Address: Terry Knickerbocker Studio , 68 34th St., #C404, Fourth Fl. , Brooklyn, NY 11232
Tel: 718-801-8999
City: West Hollywood
Address: Studio for Acting – Based on the Teachings of David LeGrant , 8228 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 311 , West Hollywood, CA 90069
Tel: 323-786-2846
City: New York
Address: American Comedy Institute , 481 Eighth Ave., Ste. 548 , New York, NY 10001
Tel: 212-279-6980
