Elizabeth Gamza


Elizabeth Gamza , Los Angeles, CA
City: Los Angeles
Address: The Ivana Chubbuck Studio , 7201 Melrose Ave., Ste. 206 , Los Angeles, CA 90046
Tel: 323-935-2100
City: Greensboro
Address: Dan Callaway Studio , Greensboro, NC
City: Los Angeles
Address: Al Rossi , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 818-902-1538
City: Brooklyn
Address: Capes Coaching , 102 Vanderbilt Ave., Ste. 2 , Brooklyn, NY 11205
Tel: 212-777-2270
City: Bay Area
Address: Stan Roth , Bay Area, CA
Tel: 323-930-2424
City: New York, Cambridge
Address: Douglas Farwell Acting Studio , The Players Theater, 115 MacDougal St., Studio 4-C , New York, NY 10012, Douglas Farwell Acting Studio , P.O. Box 525 , Cambridge, MD 21613
Tel: 646-434-8510
City: Los Angeles
Address: Bonnie Bizoza – Accent on Accent , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 818-404-3755
City: New York
Address: Bob McAndrew Studio , New York, NY
Tel: 212-580-3834
City: Los Angeles
Address: The Young Actor’s Studio , 5215 Lankershim Blvd. , Los Angeles, CA 91601
Tel: 818-763-1208
City: Miami
Address: The Casting Gym/Kim Houston Kasting , Miami, FL
Tel: 305-491-7604
City: Los Angeles
Address: Sandi C. Shore’s The Comedy Store , 8433 Sunset Blvd. , Los Angeles, CA 90069
Tel: 323-650-6268
City: New York
Address: Robert Castle and Alejandra Orozco , New York, NY
Tel: 917-476-6238
