Terry Knickerbocker Studio


Terry Knickerbocker Studio , 68 34th St., #C404, Fourth Fl. , Brooklyn, NY 11232
City: New York
Address: Jason Bennett Actor’s Workshop , New York, NY
Tel: 212-777-7603
City: New York
Address: Deena Levy Theatre Studio , New York, NY
Tel: 212-340-1084
City: Lake Balboa
Address: Bill Haller – Voice Teacher , 6551 Densmore Ave. , Lake Balboa, CA 91406
Tel: 818-383-1025
City: New York
Address: Tada! Youth Theater , 15 W. 28th St., Third Fl. , New York, NY 10001
Tel: 212-252-1619, ext. 4
City: St. Petersburg
Address: MJ Productions , St. Petersburg, FL
Tel: 818-749-5255
City: San Diego
Address: Los Angeles Acting Studio SD , 6142 Nancy Ridge Dr., Ste. 102 , San Diego, CA 92121
Tel: 844 522-8464
City: Los Angeles
Address: Stuart Stone Casting Workshop , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 323-645-4433
City: New York
Address: Caroline Thomas’ Total Theatre Lab , 118 W. 79th St., Apt. 12A , New York, NY 10024
Tel: 212-799-4224
City: Newnan
Address: The ActorHood - Atlanta , 48B E. Washington St. , Newnan, GA 30263
Tel: 678-531-7305
City: New York, New York
Address: Tom Soter at the Wingnut Comedy Studio , Studio 150, 150 W. 46th St., Sixth Fl. , New York, NY 10036, Tom Soter at the Wingnut Comedy Studio , 78th Street Theater Lab New York, 236 W. 78th St. , New York, NY 10024
Tel: 212-316-4916
City: New York
Address: Audition Technique with Jason Buyer , 126 E. 83th St. , New York, NY 10028
Tel: 646-535-6821 (NY)
City: New York
Address: Robert Dagny’s Performer Audition Package , P.O. Box 852 , New York, NY 10150-0852
Tel: 212-371-8258
