As one of the world’s multicultural epicenters for arts, culture, design, and business, New York City provides Pratt students with an exceptional learning environment that extends beyond the Pratt campuses in Brooklyn and Manhattan.Pratt has a 25-acre campus in Brooklyn, a creative hub in the midst of a renaissance, and another in Manhattan. The Institute’s campus in the historic Clinton Hill neighborhood of Brooklyn is adjacent to the emerging Brooklyn Tech Triangle, a nexus for innovation and entrepreneurship.



200 Willoughby Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11205
Country: United States
City: San Luis Obispo
Address: Architecture Department, 1 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
Architecture is one of five departments in the College of Architecture and Environmental Design (CAED), along with Architectural Engineering, City and Regional Planning, Construction Management, and Landscape Architecture.  This unique combination of disc...
Website: https://archi...
Founded: 1886
Country: United States
City: Minneapolis
Address: 2501 Stevens Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55404
Since 1886, the Minneapolis College of Art and Design—a private, nonprofit four-year and postgraduate college—has been the preeminent art and design educator in the region. Today MCAD is a strong national leader in fine arts, design, entrepreneurship, and sustainability e...
Website: http://mcad.e...
Country: United States
City: San Francisco
Address: 79 New Montgomery St, San Francisco, CA 94105
For nearly 90 years, artists and designers have called Academy of Art University their home. Founded in San Francisco and family owned since 1929, it is the largest private art and design university in the nation.We are first and foremost a professional school—a specialized place...
Website: https://www.a...
Country: United States
City: New York
Address: 2960 Broadway, New York, NY 10027
Columbia University School of the Arts awards the Master of Fine Arts degree in Film, Theatre, Visual Arts, and Writing and the Master of Arts degree in Film and Media Studies; it also offers an interdisciplinary program in Sound Art. The School is a thriving, diverse community o...
Website: https://arts....
Country: United States
City: San Diego
Address: Post Office Box 122171, San Diego, CA 92112
Due to the paucity of young actors trained in the techniques of classical theater; the program was founded in the 1980’s. Highly-acclaimed, it accepts only 7 students per year; 2% of its applicants.
Website: https://www.g...
Country: United States
City: Orlando
Address: 4000 Central Florida Blvd, Orlando, FL 32816
THE SCHOOL OF VISUAL ARTS AND DESIGN at UCF is a place for seeing, thinking, hearing, touching, learning, and creating. Art engages the senses and inspires the imagination and we designed our curriculum to do the same. We offer academic programs and courses of interest...
Website: https://svad....
Country: United States
City: Chicago
Address: 600 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60605
The School of Fine and Performing Arts has produced some of the world’s most accomplished artists, photographers, designers, musicians, composers, writers, dancers, actors, arts managers, and entrepreneurs. To build your own success story, you’ll choose from dozens of dynamic pro...
Website: https://www.c...
Country: United States
City: Los Angeles
Address: 919 S Grand Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90015
With 32 creative majors, FIDM students have career options in Fashion, Visual Arts, Business, Interior Design, and Entertainment. In addition to Associate’s and Bachelor’s Degrees, FIDM offers degree programs in Advanced Study and Professional Designation. FIDM has 4 campus locat...
Website: http://fidm.e...
