Since 1866, School of the Art Institute of Chicago has been committed to academic excellence, interdisciplinary exploration and the enrichment of each student’s artistic inquiry and experimentation.




36 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago, IL 60603
Country: United States
City: Irvine
Address: 6210 Donald Bren Hall, Irvine, CA 92697
Focuses on the field of visual computing that deals with generating/capturing, representing, rendering and interacting with synthetic and real-world images and video. We work on end-to-end solutions from capturing of images and geometry; representing large geometric, image, and v...
Website: https://www.i...
Founded: 1896
Country: United States
City: New York
Address: 66 West 12th Street, New York, NY 10011
Parsons School of Design has offered students innovative approaches to education since its founding in 1896. Today we’re the only American art and design school within a comprehensive university, The New School, which also houses a rigorous liberal arts college and a progressive...
Website: https://www.n...
Founded: 1879
Country: United States
City: Columbus
Address: 60 Cleveland Ave, Columbus, OH 43215
Founded in 1879, CCAD is one of the oldest private, nonprofit art and design colleges in the United States and, in 2019, the college is celebrating 140 years of creative excellence.CCAD offers 12 BFA programs and two master’s programs in art and design that produce graduates...
Website: https://www.c...
Founded: 1693
Country: United States
City: Williamsburg
Address: Sadler Center, 200 Stadium Dr, Williamsburg, VA 23185
The second oldest institution of higher education in the nation, but also a cutting-edge researchuniversity.
Website: https://www.w...
Founded: 1873
Country: United States
City: Boston
Address: 621 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115
Makers, artists, creators, disruptors, listeners, searchers, collaborators, activists in pursuit of remarkable, color-drenched futures: We are here for you. We’ve been here for 145 years, pioneering, sustaining, and refining a world-class education in art and design, and sen...
Website: https://massa...
Founded: 1931
Country: United States
City: Minneapolis
Address: 580 Rarig Center, 330 21st Avenue S, Minneapolis, MN 55455
The Department of Theatre Arts & Dance is committed to educating students in the areas of performing arts, social issues and how theatre and dance speak so powerfully to human emotions.
Website: https://cla.u...
Country: United States
City: Providence
Address: Two College Street, Providence, RI 02903
Rhode Island School of Design, Division of Architecture & Design is the college’s largest academic Division and has seven departments from which students can choose.
Website: https://www.r...
Country: United States
City: San Diego
Address: Post Office Box 122171, San Diego, CA 92112
Due to the paucity of young actors trained in the techniques of classical theater; the program was founded in the 1980’s. Highly-acclaimed, it accepts only 7 students per year; 2% of its applicants.
Website: https://www.g...
