A world-class research university, UC utilizes an interdisciplinary approach; complete with an international, prestigious faculty; a variety of workshop facilities, photography and computer graphics center and an experimental technology laboratory.



2600 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45220
Country: United States
City: Winston-Salem
Address: 1533 South Main Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27127
From high school to the master’s degree level, UNCSA programs and five conservatories of a professional caliber; encourage total immersion in one’s chosen discipline; to eat, sleep and breathe the art form.
Website: https://www.u...
Country: United States
City: Raleigh
Address: 203 Peele Hall, Raleigh, NC 27695
NC State is a powerhouse in science, technology, engineering and math. We lead in agriculture, education, textiles, business and natural resources management. We’re at the forefront of teaching and research in design, the humanities and the social sciences. And we’re home to...
Website: https://www.n...
Country: United States
City: San Diego
Address: Post Office Box 122171, San Diego, CA 92112
Due to the paucity of young actors trained in the techniques of classical theater; the program was founded in the 1980’s. Highly-acclaimed, it accepts only 7 students per year; 2% of its applicants.
Website: https://www.g...
Country: United States
City: Pittsburgh
Address: Purnell Center for the Arts, 500 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
The Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama is the first degree-granting drama institution in the United States of America. The school combines established practice with progressive pedagogical and technological advancement across all disciplines. The School is committed to en...
Website: https://drama...
Country: United States
City: Richmond
Address: Pollak Bldg, 325 N Harrison St #201, Richmond, VA 23284
VCUART demonstrates it student support by having one of the lowest tuition rates of the nation’s Top 10 Art Institutions.
Website: https://arts....
Country: United States
City: St. Paul
Address: 32 McNeal Hall, 1985 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108
Located in the vibrant Twin Cities design community, and as part of one of the largest research universities in the U.S., the College of Design encompasses a full range of design disciplines. With eight undergraduate majors, 23 graduate degree options, and 10 research, creative s...
Website: https://desig...
Country: United States
City: Seattle
Address: 101 Hutchinson Hall, Seattle, WA 98195
The University of Washington School of Drama develops innovative and courageous artists and scholars poised to be the creative leaders of tomorrow. We offer MFA degrees in acting, design, and directing, a four-year undergraduate liberal arts education in Drama...
Website: https://drama...
Country: United States
City: Coral Gables
Address: University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida 33146
Spanning a broad range of disciplines including sciences, arts, social sciences, and humanities, the College of Arts and Sciences is committed to the enduring values of interdisciplinary liberal arts education. Offering the benefits of a large research institution and the persona...
Website: https://www.a...
