Cast Iron Studios


Cast Iron Studios , 1430 SE Third Ave., Ste. 100 , Portland, OR 97214
City: Las Vegas
Address: Marilee Lear Casting, CSA , 1414 N. Hollywood Blvd. , Las Vegas, NV 89101
Tel: 702 235-7876
City: Los Angeles
Address: Julie Hutchinson Casting , Los Angeles, CA
City: Austin
Address: Sarah Dowling Casting , Austin, TX
City: Henderson
Address: Goldman & Associates , 170 South Green Valley Pkwy, Ste. 300 , Henderson, NV 89074
Tel: 702-990-3210
City: Toronto
Address: Forrest and Forrest Casting , 403 Glencairn Ave. , Toronto, ON M5N 1V2
Tel: 416-789-0228
City: New York
Address: CBS Television Casting , 51 W. 52nd St., Fifth Fl. , New York, NY 10019
City: London
Address: Kate and Lou Casting Ltd. , First Fl., 59 Charlotte St. , London, England W1T 4PE
Tel: 020 7323 1952
City: New York
Address: Central Casting , 5 Penn Plaza, 10th Fl. , New York, NY 10001
Tel: 646-205-8244
City: Isleworth Greater London
Address: Tracey Gillham Casting , Worton Hall Studios, Worton Hall Industrial Estate, Worton Hall Road, Suite C, Unit 8 , Isleworth Greater London, England TW7 6ER
Tel: 020 3778 0441
City: London
Address: The Eye Casting , 92 Commercial St., First Fl. , London, Englnad E1 6LZ
Tel: 020 7377 2700
City: Atlanta, Miami
Address: Casting TaylorMade , Atlanta, GA, Casting TaylorMade , Miami, FL
City: Glendale
Address: DreamWorks Animation Casting , 1000 Flower St. , Glendale, CA 91201
Tel: 818-695-9854
