Historical Extras Cast and Crew


Historical Extras Cast and Crew , 25450 Highfield Rd. , Cascade, MD 21719
City: Los Angeles
Address: Spot Casting , 200 S. La Brea Ave., Second Fl. , Los Angeles, CA 90036
Tel: 323-330-1020
City: London
Address: Carolyn McLeod Casting , c/o 2nd Floor, 191 Wardour Street , London, England W1F 8ZE
Tel: 020-7610-2111
City: London
Address: Nina Gold Casting , 117 Chevening Rd. , London, England NW6 6DU
Tel: 020-8960-6099
City: Los Angeles
Address: Sheila Jaffe Casting , 6671 Sunset Blvd., Bldg. 1509, Ste. 104 , Los Angeles, CA 90028
City: London
Address: Pippa Ailion Casting , Eurolink Business Centre, 49 Effra Rd., Unit 65a , London, England SW2 1BZ
Tel: 079-5736-1852
City: Kent
Address: Siobhan Bracke , 176 High Street, DEAL , Kent, England CT14 6BQ
Tel: 020-8891-5686
City: Qunincy
Address: Paradice Casting , 1354 Hancock St., Ste. 205 , Qunincy, MA 02169
Tel: 617-424-6805
City: W. Hollywood
Address: Blanca Valdez Casting , 1001 N. Poinsettia Place , W. Hollywood, CA 90046
Tel: 323-876-5700
City: Los Angeles
Address: Bright/Daniels Casting , 6464 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 800 , Los Angeles, CA 90028
City: Los Angeles
Address: Donna Morong Casting , 1103 N. El Centro , Los Angeles, CA 90038
City: Los Angeles
Address: Bonnie Pietila , 6230 Wilshire Blvd., #160 , Los Angeles, CA 90048
Tel: 310-369-3632
City: London
Address: Lucy Rands Casting , London, England
Tel: 20 7697 9160
