Sobo Casting


Sobo Casting , 7700 Sunset Blvd., 2nd FL. , Los Angeles, CA 90046
City: Tampa
Address: Independent Castings by Kathy Laughlin , 8313 W. Hillsborough Ave., Ste. 250 , Tampa, FL 33615
Tel: 813-884-8335
City: Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Address: Rich King Casting , 6671 West Sunset Blvd. , Los Angeles, CA 90028, Rich King Casting , Mailing Address:, P.O. Box 93506 , Los Angeles, CA 90093
Tel: 323-993-0186 (Talent)
City: Marina del Rey
Address: Tiffany Company Casting , 4040 Glencoe Ave. , Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
Tel: 310-266-9223
City: New York
Address: AAAVoice Casting , 630 Ninth Ave., Ste. 415 , New York, NY 10036
Tel: 917-363-9877
City: Encino
Address: Dixie Casting , 4924 Balboa Blvd., Ste. 431 , Encino, CA 91316
Tel: 818-920-9900
City: Burbank
Address: The Voicecaster , 1832 W. Burbank Blvd. , Burbank, CA 91506
Tel: 818-841-5300
City: London
Address: Linda Glover Casting , London, England
City: New York
Address: The House That Casting Built , 111 W. 19th St., Sixth Fl. , New York, NY 10011
