

Country: France
City: Paris

Published since 2002, Malibu Magazine is one of the premiere lifestyle publications within the California Marketplace. Our magazine enjoys an affluent group of readers, including high profile celebrities, who possess the means and desire to make an impact on the marketplace. Malibu Magazine highlights the nuances that are the foundation of Malibu's distinctive nature, as it brings to life the people, places, and lifestyles of this unique community.

Country: United States
City: Malibu
Country: Croatia
City: Zagreb

SCawaii! is the fashion bible for adult gyaru who have graduated from senior high-school and are at junior college or work part-time. A third of the readers are 18 or 19 years old, the rest are between 20 and 24. SCawaii! offers a mixture of Harajuku and Shibuya styles.

Country: Thailand
City: Bangkok
Country: China
City: Beijing
Country: Turkey
Country: Italy
City: Milan

MOTHER is an independent Anglo-Japanese platform exploring new visual dialogue. MOTHER rejects the temporary, the throwaway and the nostalgic, looking ahead to permanence, newness and nowness. Conceived to a vanguard aesthetic, the project encompasses fashion editorial, photography, movement, art and architecture.

Each season MOTHER invites innovative artists, both emerging and established, to interpret one concept. MOTHER then blends the body of imagery into a unique conversation between its creators. Past contributors include MI-ZO, Petrovsky & Ramone, Reed & Rader, Ed Atkins, Frode & Marcus and Yuima Nakazato.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London

madison offers intelligent news and features, real women and their stories, beautiful fashion, sexy beauty, inspiring homes and “impress-your-friends” food. madison is for women who love magazines. She is 25-39. Ambitious, sexy and socially aware. The madison woman actively enjoys her life. She loves fashion but will dress to suit a style she’s developed. She’s seriously interested in beauty but her health is just as important as finding the perfect lip-gloss. Her world is rich and varied and she embraces all its aspects. Career? Baby? Partner? Everything is still possible. The madison woman is a grown-up and wants to be treated like one. She doesn’t need her hand-held any more but still wants information - she prefers to form her own opinion.

Country: Australia
City: Sydney

VERY ELLE is published twice a year and features work by a slew of new artists and photographers as well as interviews with personalities and editorial surprises.

VERY ELLE was launched together with VERY ELLE.FR, an innovative and creative e-magazine and a natural extension of this new adventure.

Country: France
City: Paris

Wonderful and inspiring Italian bridal magazine. Gorgeous photos of beautiful brides in wedding gowns, dresses, evening gowns, jewelry, accessories, gifts, shopping, flower arrangements, wedding planning and much more. Great travel ideas and destinations for honeymooners are also covered.

Country: Italy
City: Milan
