Confidenze tra amiche

An historic title for Mondadori, Confidenze, which has maintained its vitality. This is the result of an exclusive formula that every week brings together service content (cooking, health, fashion, beauty) and other features (short romantic fiction, true-life stories).



The Denizen is a multimedia platform that celebrates the art of living well from a New Zealand perspective.

Country: New Zealand
City: Auckland

The Singapore Women's Weekly is Singapore´s fastest-growing women´s magazine. Women trust The Weekly as a friend that entertains and informs about the best of everything - fashion, beauty, glamour, health, family, self-help and relationships, interiors, food and entertaining. And the mix is served with a down-to-earth attitude and a compelling dose of common sense that readers really appreciate.

Country: Singapore
City: Singapore

Zen Magazine Africa is a global magazine that caters for people who love everything artistic from Africa and other parts of the world. They use their platform as a channel for the rest of the world to get to know Africa better, the people who work tirelessly to develop their talents, the models who strut the runway, the fashion designers who give us the latest trends from their collections, fabulous travel destinations and most importantly, supporting the charities in their community through the resources they get. They started Zen through the social media back in 2010 because of lack of funding to go print. They used platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to share their contents, editorials and messages with their online readers who were interested in their work and loved their designs in each editorial piece. Today, they have one of the most vibrant websites in the African digital world and they don't plan on stopping there.. no sir they don't. Zen will feature quality fashion editorials from established and aspiring designers, fashion models in Africa, Europe and North America, travel destinations, Artwork and photography in a quality print publication.

Country: Nigeria
City: Lagos
Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo

Marie Claire is a monthly women's magazine conceived in France but also distributed in other countries with editions specific to them and in their languages. While each country shares its own special voice with its audience, the United States edition focuses on women around the world and several worldwide issues. The magazine also provides the reader with health, beauty, and fashion information in each issue. Readers can subscribe to it through the mail and online. The reality series, Running In Heels, follows three interns working in the NYC office of the magazine.

The theme for Marie Claire is “More than a Pretty Face”. The magazine gives readers information about different women around the world and their needs, struggles, and stories of life.

The goal of the magazine is to provide readers with a substantial amount of information about new looks in the fashion industry as well as current issues that women of the world are facing. Moreover, it also adds relationship information, along with a section dedicated to answering specific questions from readers. It provides information pertaining to different items of clothing and accessories, as well as which would be a better deal. Each month recognizes a particular female celebrity by placing her on the cover of the magazine and featuring her in a main article, along with providing monthly horoscope.

Country: Philippines
City: Queson City

Vogue Collections, launched in 2011, is a special edition published twice a year under copyright cooperation by China Pictorial. It gives an in-depth report on the Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter shows, and includes substantial feature stories elaborating on key trends. In addition to the magazine, there is also an iPad edition of Vogue Collections.

Country: China
City: Beijing
Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo

WWD is the media of record for senior executives in the global women’s and men’s fashion, retail and beauty communities and the consumer media that cover the market.

WWD Magazines set the trends the world follows, engaging fashion, retail and beauty power players with compelling issues that offer the first look at what's next in global fashion.

Country: United States
City: New York

The Pink Ribbon magazine (PINK) is a stylish feel-good magazine radiating positive energy.

There is still a lot to be done in the field of breast cancer in terms of prevention, information and support. But PINK is and wants to achieve more than that. PINK is a feel-good glossy that will appeal to all women. Not only because of its content, but also because all proceeds go to the fight against breast cancer. With this annual magazine Sanoma Uitgevers hopes to be able to make a substantial contribution to a.o. research into breast cancer.

Country: Netherlands
City: Amsterdam
