Elle On The Beach



VIRGINE Magazine is a brand new innovative high fashion, art and music platform set to revolutionize the way people interact with the fashion industry. Through their proximity with today’s major influential voices in the fashion field, they have managed to develop a magazine that stays ahead of current styles and trends.

VIRGINE is seeking ways to increase societies’ devotion to charity contribution, so every issue their magazine’s first page will be dedicated to charity oriented advertisements.

In addition, they want to create a fashion platform that serves as a bridge between top industry professionals and up-and-coming artists to be showcased side by side under the esthetic and standards of VIRGINE.

Furthermore, VIRGINE wants to innovate by forming bridges between different industries. Imagine an article written by a fashion model who wants to become an editor or an interview conducted by the actual photographer who shot the subject. This is the kind of content they are looking for; content that brings a different perspective to the audience.

With VIRGINE, you will be propelled into a global culture of beauty, esthetic, creativity and innovation.

The Ones2Watch New Wave is an online magazine showcasing the people behind the lens – the fashion industry’s up and coming photographers, stylists, hair/makeup artists, casting directors, designers, illustrators and more. They feature original and commissioned content from contributors across the globe. They are passionate about all things beautiful and interesting.

Originally established in the early 2000s, they built up a dedicated following of fashion devotees, both professionals and fans, and began publishing original fashion editorial content in 2010. As a part of MODELS.com, a leading fashion website and industry stable, their content receives exposure to a large amount of both industry insiders and fashion addicts.

Country: United States
City: New York

Naag was founded by Fiona Byrne and fashion model Agyness Deyn. They talk about things they like and do and see and feel.

Country: United States
City: New York
Website: http://naag.com
Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo
Country: Poland
City: Warsaw

ViVi is a Japanese fashion magazine published by Kodansha. ViVi is one of Asia's top fashion magazines, and is published in Japan, China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. The target age group are teens and young women between 17-27 years old, the main demographic of readers are college students and young office ladies.

The magazines 'cover queen' is Ayumi Hamasaki, who has been featured on the cover 24 times since 1999, and also runs her famous Deji Deji Diary in each issue. Other artists frequently featured on the cover include: Namie Amuro, and Kumi Koda

Country: Hong Kong S.A.R., China
City: Hong Kong

So you may have seen or heard about the new CITY. Yes, it’s bigger. Yes, it has a new look and feel. Yes, it’s sexy as hell. And the new format is just the most visible of the changes. CITY has been a part of the cultural landscape since its birth in SoHo over a decade ago, but they are the first to acknowledge that there are a plethora of magazines on the newsstand that deal, in not-so-different ways, with the same “style” territory. They wanted CITY to break that mold, to stand out from the crowd, to be original and unique, and they decided to go about being revolutionary by going back to basics.

So the format: oversized, saddle-stitched, classic, reminiscent of magazines in publishing’s “golden age” — the Vanity Fair and Esquire of the ’60s, the Nova and Interview of the ’70s — and with a point of view to match. Every city needs a voice, and they want this city’s—New York City’s—to be theirs. There is a vibrant creative community here, probably the most fertile in the world. These individuals are the architects of influence, but it’s been a while since there was a publication that really personified and spoke to and for them. The new CITY is that book. CITY is the magazine for, by, and about New York City’s arbiters of excellence.

Country: United States
City: New York

No other magazine defines our time like VANITY FAIR. Whether a story involves a world leader or a sporting scandal, VANITY FAIR is always fascinating, never ordinary.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Country: United States
City: New York
Country: United Kingdom
City: Suffolk

Couture, the only and best fashion forecast magazine in Hong Kong, is published twice a year and covers the latest spring/summer and autumn/winter styles.

Country: China
City: Hong Kong

In Style provides a unique window on celebrity style distilled for discerning readers to enhance their own personal style. In Style ensures every fashion, beauty and lifestyle article inspires readers to shop from the pages and provides advertisers with the highest quality and most engaging monthly fashion/lifestyle magazine environment.

In Style, initially launched in the United States, is truly a global brand producing international editions in twelve countries including Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil, Greece, South Korea, Spain, Russia, Turkey and South Africa.

Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo
