

Country: China
City: Hong Kong

ELLE MAN, le nouveau magazine masculin débarque en kiosque... et dans votre vie ! Un rendez-vous avec la culture, la mode l’actualité, les tendances et les personnalités qui font le style ELLE MAN. Masculin et décomplexé. On dépasse son genre, on se joue des codes, on se fout du virilement correct. Pour ne garder qu’un objectif : être un magazine bien à lire et beau à regarder.

Country: France
City: Paris

More is the leading voice of today’s sophisticated, affluent and accomplished woman, who is enjoying the richest years of her life, sharing news and advice on beauty, fashion, health, career, travel, money and relationships from her distinct perspective.

On the website, they invite you to share your own stories, ask questions, connect with other members, upload photos (Should you toss that dress from three years ago? They will tell you the truth.), swap secrets, offer your opinions and find all the information you need to live a joyful and successful life.

Country: Canada
City: Toronto
Country: United Kingdom
City: London

The website delivers free news live to the web and via emails sent direct to subscribers once a week. The website also provides a calendar of upcoming industry events and expos, along with feature articles covering every facet of the industry, business articles, company profiles and interviews with beauty industry identities. PBTV features training videos from various supplier treatments.

The Professional Beauty Annual Buyer’s Directory has been integrated into the website, allowing visitors to search for beauty industry suppliers by company, product or brand.

Country: Australia
City: Pyrmont

Organice Your Life is the website & online magazine for eating organically, keeping organized, and living a very nice life.

Brought to you by people that know firsthand:

Models, Celebrities and other Fashion & Entertainment insiders.

“Organice Your Life” comes from the words:

“ Organize”. “Organic” and “Nice“,

as they think those are the 3 key words in living a happy and healthy life.

The main goal of Organice Your Life® (OYL) is to make as much information and links accessible to anyone who wants to do something,to try to make their own life, or the world around them a bit better. Little efforts can sometimes mean a huge positive difference!

Organice Your Life® works with the circle of 5.

1. Organice® Your Home

2. Organice® Your Agenda

3. Organice® Yourself

4. Organice® Your Relationships.

5. Organice® Your Good Heart.

The subjects covered are very broad, including Fashion, Nutrition, Health, Physiology, Psychology, Science, News, Relationships and Sex.They have all in common that we are looking for the best, healthiest, organic, fair trade or environment, animal and human friendly options.

Through this website,and with columns, interviews, workshops, books, tv ,radio shows, events and other ways, this information is brought to the public in a young, hip and fun way.

The contributors of Organice Your Life® are all young successful men and women from within the Fashion & Entertainment industry, who the philosophy: Get started. Get Organiced!® .

You can click on every step of the Organice Your Life Circle of 5, and then it will show all articles that are filed under that specific step.

Organice Your Home: will have everything to make your home or place to stay, a cosy, clean and fun place,

Organice Your Agenda: will have fun events and important dates to put in your agenda, tips to organize your finances, how to deal with your time management, and things to put on your to-do list,

Organice Yourself: This is the most diverse step, and covers everything that can make you improve yourself: physically and emotionally, by nutrition, work outs, skin care, spirituality, hobbies, psychology , fashion make-up etc.

Organice Your Relationships: This is about the relationships you have with people, animals, nature and with the supernatural,

Organice Your Good Heart: has everything about goodwill and charities, and gives you ideas what you can do for others!

Country: United States
City: New York

SUPERIOR is an international magazine with the focus on young vanguard fashion-, beauty- and art- photography & film.

SUPERIOR Magazine stands for high-quality photography & film connected to fashion, offering its readers exciting, fresh photo editorials & films as well as background interviews and reports from the fields of fashion, beauty, art and design. Combining the talents of renowned photographers & film-makers and artists with outstanding newcomers, each edition of SUPERIOR Magazine is a fund of new insights and inspiration. The magazine’s sophisticated design provides an artistic showcase for all kinds of avant-garde visual expression and imagery.

SUPERIOR Magazine is published across all media channels with a strong link between the channels.

In our SUPERIOR BLOG a team of bloggers from all over the world present their very personal view on all themes of fashion, beauty, art and design.

SUPERIOR ONLINE appears monthly as a designed online magazine and has a worldwide circulation.

Exclusive print editions of SUPERIOR Magazine are published at varying intervals.

SUPERIOR Magazine can be found on social media platforms like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube and Vimeo.

Country: Germany
City: Berlin

QVEST is a fashion magazine - published in Germany, international in scope and standard. QVEST covers fashion, design and culture competently and passionately. QVEST works together with authors, photographers, stylists and artists in New York, Tel Aviv, Paris, London and Berlin.

QVEST doesn't chase after trends. QVEST seeks out bold, innovative people, presents new, unseen images and fresh, relevant ideas. QVEST moves and motivates brands and markets, provides food for thought and action. QVEST (dis)covers the latest emerging seeds of the international avantgarde while preserving its history and context. QVEST presents what's hot on the world's hedonistic runways - and looks behind the scenes, too.

Since 2001, the magazine is published every three months in german and English. QVEST guarantees a high consumer exposure time and contact of up to four readers per issue.

Country: Germany
City: Cologne
Country: Malaysia
City: Petaling Jaya
Country: Canada
City: Ontario

Dealing with fashion, trends and lifestyles, Citizen K has become the magazine of reference in the world of high-end press. Not only because it is among the leaders in the dissemination but also because its editorial content and the visual class of its own.

Country: France
City: Paris
