Good Housekeeping Latin America


Grazia Magazine is a comparatively new magazine in the UK. However, in Italy where it was first published it has been in publication since 1938. It was released in the UK in an attempt to fill the weekly void left by high-end monthly glossies like Vogue and Marie Claire. As such, Grazia tends to make its money through subscription fees meaning fewer advertisements within the covers. The first thing most people note about Grazia women's glossy magazine is that it is particularly high class. While the main topic of the magazine is equally high-class celebrities such as Hollywood movie stars, internationally renowned supermodels, and glitzy stars it does cover a range of other topics too.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London

SISTERS was first published in 1970 and had since established herself as one of the leading Chinese magazine in Malaysia.

SISTERS is interactive with readers; energetic; charismatic and forever moving forward in meeting the demands of our affluent, intelligent young female executives, administrators and professionals.

Country: Malaysia
City: Kuala Lumpur
Country: France
City: Paris

CosmoGirl was an American magazine based in New York City, published from 1999 until 2008. The teenage spin-off of Cosmopolitan magazine, it targeted teenage girls and features fashion and celebrities. It was published ten times a year and reached approximately eight million readers before folding. The last issue was December 2008. Subscribers instead received issues of fellow Hearst publication, Seventeen.

Country: Turkey
City: Istanbul
Country: Japan
City: Tokyo

O: is the seasonal fashion supplement created by Tank magazine and presented free with the Observer four times a year. It's the ultimate shopping guide and source of inspiration for the season ahead. We'll fill you in on all the key catwalk trends and hottest new products and talents. O: is the perfect directory for the season, minus all the fluff.

Country: United Kingdom
City: London

Inspired by the priestesses of Vesta, Vestal is an online magazine that focuses on women's fashion and beauty.

At Vestal Magazine we are devoted to the cultivation of creativity by providing a platform for talents in photography, modeling, styling, and arts. It is our aim to provide a fresh alternative to traditional fashion publications and represent the changing face of fashion and photography.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: China
City: Hong Kong
Country: Ukraine
City: Kiev
Country: China
City: Shanghai

We feel and sometimes we try not to feel what we actually feel. Deep inside there is something indefineable, something which stops us in being happy, being upset, being critcal, in general being what we actually are.LE MILE is convinced that creativity and empathy make victory possible. We all know that the world is full of injustice, prejudice, and ignorance. Are all this mentioned points the reason of this something indefinable deep inside us? LE MILE is convinced. Join the path of Mile, a beautiful and innocent young lady, who wants to know who she really is. There is this enigmatic and long moment between birth and death. LE MILE tells that arduous experiences she went through by different editorials of high talented fashion photographers and poetic writers from all over the world. Often art makes us live together. Like in the Factory of Andy Warhol LE MILE is the stage for those who have messages for their surroundings. No economic, religious, or cultural crises can change creativity. Only individuality causes change in personality of a crowd. Come with us as a companion and take some miles through the magazines and discover the reality of life.

Country: United States
City: New York

TMRW Fashion & Art Journal is a new high-end magazine featuring unique
 stories from Danish and international artists. TMRW will give artists 
creative freedom to present their strongest and most visionary work.

 will be inspiring, sensational, odd, innovative, fantastic,
 obscure all wrapped in a beautiful but yet down to earth frame.
 TMRW will showcase stories from fashion, design, lifestyle and 
interior. It is based on the work and expertise from high-end and 
carefully selected photographers, stylists, hair and makeup artists, 
interior designers, illustrators and art directors and will feature the most
 bold and amazing work from both the experienced as the new and 
talented artists.

TMRW is published in 6000 copies and distributed via direct mailing to fashion and advertising companies in Europe and US, showrooms and offices within fashion and lifestyle. TMRW is also sold in selected stores in Denmark.

Country: Denmark
City: Copenhagen

Kitten Magazine is a fashion magazine with a focus on all things new and emerging. Published four times per year each issue is based around a theme and features stunning models wearing the hottest new fashions from established and emerging designers. In addition to their photo pictorials they also showcase fashion strait from the runways of the worlds fashion capitals and interviews with people who are shaping the industry from art and design to music and movies. Kitten is a unique magazine read by both men and women alike. Their male readers enjoy the beautiful pictorials and stunning models along with thought provoking interviews. Their female readers enjoy the latest in fashion along with an insight of new trends to come. Kitten is a new kind of magazine, a bit fresher, a bit edgier and a bit sexier than what most fashion readers are used to. They love to push the limits and go where other magazines don’t dare to. They create content for print, video, internet and multimedia. They host parties around the world and celebrate with their readers. They are young, sexy and fresh. They are Kitten Magazine!

Country: United States
City: Los Angeles
