Harpers & Queen



Today's travel magazines - be they traditional, experiential or otherwise - objectify the world and treat their readers as perennial outsiders visiting an ever-foreign place.

TRUNK, alternatively, demystifies our planet by examining its myriad stories and cultures, embracing what makes them both universal and unique. It is a magazine which recognizes that there are no foreign lands. TRUNK readers are not tourists in this world, rather they are citizens of it.

Perfil de la empresa

TRUNK is an uncompromising print magazine dedicated to showcasing the most fascinating stories from around the globe, with a breathtaking aesthetic and genuine writing. It is for an audience that is worldy and savvy enough to embrace travel as a lifestyle, and for anyone else who shares that same curiosity for the things around them.

Country: United States
City: New York

As a "smart assistant for men" the new Drehmoment defines the main themes of man's world - Fashion & Style, Business & IT, New Media & Action, Men & Women. Written by top authors, staged by their best photographers.

Country: Austria
City: Vienna
Country: Australia
City: Sydney

View of the times is an European magazine written in Spanish and English with a French and Italian translation and local agendas. Comes out two times in a year.

Country: Spain
City: Madrid

Under the influence is not ruled by popular trends, instead they take inspiration from subversive subjects, they create and they influence. They awaken their readership to new ideas. They are the precursor to what will happen in the coming years. They are a vein communicating fashion and creativity, luxury and art through the commonality of human nature. It is a timeless object, a book, and a style reference, something tangible to keep and collect.

Country: France
City: Paris

Ninsmoda covers fashion collection for zero to pre-teen. Focusing on Spanish designers creations and labels, but at the same time not ignoring the best of international childrenwear shows and market. It has beautiful photographs, ample countrywise coverage.

Country: Spain
City: Madrid

TJF Magazine is an international magazine for sophisticated readers interested in the evolution of society and the world of luxury.

Distributed in more than 70 countries worldwide and at leading international trade fairs, TJF Magazine punctually publishes updates on mega trends in design and offers news related to art, culture, society, and the world of jewellery, watches, and accessories including:

• Trends Forecasting

• Jewellery branding

• Luxury sector news

• Local and global trends

• Jewellery design

• Marketing

Country: Italy
City: Arezzo
Country: Croatia
City: Zagreb

New Zealand Woman's Weekly brings a wide variety of news, stories, recipes and helpful hints to the home every week.

Country: New Zealand
City: Auckland

Oleuk offers a daily portion of inspiration; a special address, a new brand of clothing, a yummy recipe, a play that cannot be missed……in short, every day a little something that makes you think “oh, lovely!”

Once you’ve signed up to the site you’ll receive a newsletter and be able to access the archives of newsletters. Oleuk is sent out every day but you can choose to receive it only on Mondays and Fridays or every other week to begin with or maybe you’ll want to add every other weekend!


Every day has one spot for an advertiser, editorially placed and integrated into the style of the site and therefore extra inspirational. Oleuk was set up in May 2008 and currently has 16,877 subscribers.

Country: Netherlands
City: Amsterdam

Plaza Magazine is a truly international publication with its focus on design, interior decoration and fashion, all with a hip Scandinavian perspective and twist. All over the world, in over 40 countries you can find Plaza Magazine. International distributor is Bertelsmann. On the international market Plaza Magazine is published 6 times a year in two editions, UK for the European market and US outside Europe. The German edition is published 4 times a year and is distributed in 4 countries.

Country: Germany
City: Berlin
Country: France
City: Paris
Country: Mexico
City: Guadalajara

Nicola is a Japanese fashion magazine published by Shinchosha. The magazine is targeted to young girls from early to mid teens. The magazine is known for its models (called Nicomos).

Country: Japan
City: Tokyo
Country: Russia
