

Country: Lithuania
City: Vilnius
Country: Mexico
City: Mexico City

Arizona Foothills showcases all the style, substance and sophistication the Valley of the Sun has to offer, focusing on influential people, places and events in the prestigious foothills of Scottsdale and Phoenix. AFM is published locally and has the inside scoop on fashion, society, dining, travel, events and social happenings.

Country: United States
City: Arizona
Country: Turkey
City: Istanbul
Country: Slovakia
City: Bratislava

Vanity Fair Germany was launched on 7 February 2007 and after two years Condé Nast has closed the German edition on 19 February 2009. It was edited by Bernd Runge.

Editor in Chief of the German edition was from its founding to 11th January 2008 Ulf Poschardt , and he was succeeded in May 2008 by Nikolaus Albrecht. While the U.S. edition of the magazine is published monthly, the German Vanity Fair was a weekly magazine.

Country: Germany
City: Berlin
Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo

InStyle is a monthly women’s fashion magazine, showing an impressive variety of choices of the latest trends and fashion world.

Country: Czech Republic
City: Prague

NW gives its readers exactly what they want – the best picture exclusives and breaking news and gossip on all their favourite Hollywood stars. NW also provides a shopping guide for readers by featuring up-to-the-minute fashion and beauty trends as they hit. In addition to news, gossip and style, NW features all things hot in entertainment – from the latest movie reviews to the coolest new music and TV shows. NW – glamour, gossip and more.

Country: Australia
City: Sydney

Their smart, sexy, confident readers are redefining every area of their lives, living in a totally different way than their mothers did. They reflect this in every part of the magazine, with empowering, friendly and fun editorial in all they key areas: fashion, beauty, health, decor, food and travel.

From sexy, glamourous clothes and savvy beauty know-how to stylish homes and delicious food, their features will inspire you to live the life you want!

Country: South Africa
City: Craighall
Country: United Kingdom
City: London
