
Country: United States
City: San Francisco
Country: Russia
City: Moscow
Country: France
City: Paris
Country: Australia
City: Melbourne

Star - Style - Fashion - Shopping

Country: Vietnam
City: Ho Chi Minh City
Country: Puerto Rico
City: San Juan

Viva! is a magazine which covers the lives of national and international celebrities and VIPs. Filled with exclusive photos from well-known photographers, it also covers cultural and social events.

Country: Romania
City: Bucharest
Country: United States
City: New York
Country: Australia
City: Sydney
Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo

MINT Magazine is a quarterly, print & online publication. The magazine and blog are a beautiful collection of editorials, photographs, fashion sketches, videos, introspective articles & more. MINT creator Courtney Roxanne, began the publication to inspire artists to create a culture of becoming aware of emerging talent in the industry. Keep checking back for all your fashion inspiration!

Country: United States
City: New York

Today's travel magazines - be they traditional, experiential or otherwise - objectify the world and treat their readers as perennial outsiders visiting an ever-foreign place.

TRUNK, alternatively, demystifies our planet by examining its myriad stories and cultures, embracing what makes them both universal and unique. It is a magazine which recognizes that there are no foreign lands. TRUNK readers are not tourists in this world, rather they are citizens of it.

Perfil de la empresa

TRUNK is an uncompromising print magazine dedicated to showcasing the most fascinating stories from around the globe, with a breathtaking aesthetic and genuine writing. It is for an audience that is worldy and savvy enough to embrace travel as a lifestyle, and for anyone else who shares that same curiosity for the things around them.

Country: United States
City: New York

Bangkok Post themagazine is a glossy lifestyle publication that features a mix of fashion, travel, interviews, luxury living and more. Distributed with the Bangkok Post, Thailand’s leading English newspaper, themagazine is published the second and fourth Thursday of each month.

Country: Thailand
City: Bangkok

ELLE became the world's largest fashion magazine by suggesting but never prescribing; by offering a rich mix of high and low; and above all by leading the reader to discover her personal style.

A mission is nothing if not a promise: ELLE pledges that even while we change—as every living thing must—we will never lose our intelligence, our wit, our cool, and our ability to be just a little ahead of the times.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: United Kingdom
City: London
