


Country: Malaysia
City: Petaling Jaya
Country: Russia
City: Moscow

Hennes is a monthly for women and features articles on fashion and beauty, food and fitness, jobs and careers.

Country: Sweden
City: Malmö
Country: United States
City: New York

PRESTAGE - the independent fashion stage.

The concept of PRESTAGE is: ‘Ode to the fashion talents.’ PRESTAGE is a biannual magazine showcasing promising creatives in fashion, illustration and photography through originally produced editorials, interviews and talentpages. PRESTAGE sets Dutch fashion into an international context. PRESTAGE supports both emerging and established brands and talents, pays homage to international well- known names, while championing the new and the next. PRESTAGE wants to inspire and encourage the reader to follow their dreams and ambitions.

PRESTAGE features the best of what fashion has to offer – the world’s leading models, photographers and stylists – but does so always in ways uniquely PRESTAGE.

Country: Netherlands
City: Amsterdam
Country: Malaysia
City: Petaling Jaya

Ebony, a monthly magazine for the African American market, was founded by John H. Johnson and has published continuously since the Autumn of 1945. A digest-sized sister magazine, Jet, is also published by Johnson Publishing.

Ebony cover photography has since its inception focused on African American celebrities and politicians, from Dorothy Dandridge and Whitney Houston, to Michael Jackson and Barack Obama. Persistently upbeat like its generic contemporary Life, Ebony has striven always to address African-American issues, personalities, and interests in a positive and self-affirming manner. Advertisers have for decades created ads specifically for the pages of Ebony that featured black models using their products.

In August 2008 the magazine featured a special 8-cover edition featuring the "25 Coolest Brothers of All Time", the line up featured Jay-Z, Barack Obama, Prince, Samuel L. Jackson, Denzel Washington, Marvin Gaye, Muhammad Ali and Billy Dee Williams. Ebony is one of the most well known Black American magazines in the United States.

In December 2008, Google announced that it was scanning back issues for Google Book Search, making them all available for free.

Country: United States
City: Chicago
Country: United Kingdom
City: Suffolk
Country: France
City: Paris
Country: Brazil
City: São Paulo

In January 2009 Esquire launched a new blog—the Daily Endorsement Blog. Each morning the editors of the magazine recommend one thing for readers’ immediate enjoyment: “not a political candidate or position or party, but a breakthrough idea or product or Web site.” The concept for this blog probably emerged from the November 2008 “Endorsement Issue,” in which, after 75 years, Esquire publicly endorsed a presidential candidate for the first time.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: Germany
City: Berlin

Gap Press Men Paris Milan fashion magazine from Japan solely dedicated to fashion shows and runway events happening in fashion hubs of Paris and Milan. Gorgeous photographs in double page spreads highlight the new lines and collections of designers and hottest labels in fashion industry. A source of inspiration for designers and creative people in fashion industry.

Country: Japan
City: Tokyo
