


Country: China
City: Guangzhou
Country: India
City: Mumbai

TAR Magazine is about art and aesthetics with a social awareness.

TAR magazine is a biannual published internationally each fall and spring out of New York.

It has featured work by Jonathan Lethem, Juergen Teller, Ryan McGinley, Joan Didion, and Mathew Barney.

While maintaining a fine art perspective, contributors explore contemporary, environmental, and political issues on a global scale.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: Spain
City: Madrid
Country: Russia
City: Moscow
Country: Spain
City: Madrid
Country: United Kingdom
City: London

Sva is Norway`s leading biannual fashion magazine. A beautiful glossy publication that invites, and challenges the reader to go beyond fashion. True to its Scandinavian soul...SVA is raw yet sophisticated, pure but ultra sexy! SVA is Nordic passion and poetry made fashion!

Country: Norway
City: Bergen

An online community for Moms and Dads whose same interests primarily lie in children's fashion and lifestyle. It will be the first online community for parents that tackles the more fun aspect of parenthood. Moms, Dads, and soon-to-be parents can interact and connect through this online community where they can upload photos, join modeling contests, win free stuff, make new friends.

Country: United States
City: New York
Country: Japan
City: Tokyo
