Harvey Klinger, Inc.


Harvey Klinger, Inc. , 300 W. 55th St., Ste. 11V , New York, NY 10019
City: Houston
Address: A+ Actors of Texas , Houston, TX 77035
Address: 2600 W. Olive Ave. 5th Floor Burbank, CA 91505
City: Beverly Hills
Address: WME (Los Angeles) , 9601 Wilshire Blvd. , Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Tel: 310-285-9000
City: Columbus
Address: Heyman Talent , 772 N. High St., Ste. 207 , Columbus, OH 43215
Tel: 614-291-8200
City: Phoenix
Address: MediaStars Worldwide , 515 E. Carefree Highway, Ste. 1471 , Phoenix, AZ 85085
Tel: 480-588-0944
City: Studio City
Address: Esq. Management , 11350 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 200 , Studio City, CA 91604
Tel: 213-448-1482
City: Riverdale
Address: L. Perkins Agency , 5800 Arlington Ave. , Riverdale, NY 10471
Tel: 718-543-5344
City: Stratford
Address: The GPA , 1549 Main St. , Stratford, CT 06615
Tel: 203-345-6167
City: Beverly Hills
Address: Starwil Talent , 433 N. Camden Dr., Fourth Fl. , Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Tel: 323-874-1239
City: Colorado Springs
Address: Mattas Talent Agency (M.T.A.) , 1026 W. Colorado Ave. , Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Tel: 719-577-4704
City: Los Angeles
Address: Greene & Associates Talent Agency , 1901 Ave. of the Stars, Ste. 130 , Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tel: 310-550-9333
City: New York
Address: Foundry Literary + Media , 33 W. 17th St. , New York, NY 10011
Tel: 212-929-5064
