Loretta Barrett Books, Inc.


Loretta Barrett Books, Inc. , 220 E. 23rd St., 11th Fl. , New York, NY 10010
Address: 5436 Laurel Canyon # 111 Valley Village, CA 91607
City: New York
Address: Plaza 7 NYC Inc. , 1350 Avenue of the Americas, Ste. 336 , New York, NY 10019
Tel: 212-653-0849
City: Beverly Hills
Address: Wilhelmina West, Inc. , 9378 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 310 , Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: 310-601-2530 (Women)
City: Houston
Address: A+ Actors of Texas , Houston, TX 77035
City: Los Angeles
Address: Smith & Hervey/Grimes Talent Agency , 3002 Midvale Ave., Ste. 206 , Los Angeles, CA 90034
City: Los Angeles
Address: JS Represents , P.O. Box 480000 , Los Angeles, CA 90048
Tel: 323-462-3246
City: Kent
Address: Bizzykidz Agency , Perry Hill Farmhouse, Cliffe, Rochester , Kent, England ME3 7TX
Tel: 0207 1181011
City: San Diego
Address: San Diego Model Management , 438 Camino del Rio South, Ste. 116 , San Diego, CA 92108
Tel: 619-296-1018
City: Miami
Address: Maurice Montoya Music Agency , 11 Island Ave., Ste. 1711 , Miami, FL 33139
Tel: 305-763-8961
City: Orlando, Atlanta
Address: Azureé Talent Agency , 618 E. South St., Ste. 500 , Orlando, FL 32801, Azureé Talent Agency , 201 17th St., Ste. 300 , Atlanta, GA 30363
Tel: 404-537-3654 (GA)
City: Rio Rancho
Address: Phirgun Mair Worldwide , 893 Arkansas St., S.E. , Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Tel: 575-418-1037
City: Nashville
Address: AMAX Talent , 307 Wilburn St. , Nashville, TN 37207
Tel: 615-321-6202
