Lucas Talent, Inc.


Lucas Talent, Inc. , #6-1238 Homer St. , Vancouver, BC V6B 2Y5
City: Boston
Address: The Kurland Agency , 173 Brighton Ave. , Boston, MA 02134
Tel: 617-254-0007
City: Burbank
Address: The Rival Agency , 2219 W. Olive Ave., Unit 243 , Burbank, CA 91506
Tel: 310-247-1315
City: Los Angeles, New York
Address: Zuri Model and Talent , 1999 Ave. of the Stars, Ste. 1100 , Los Angeles, CA 90067, Zuri Model and Talent , 141 West 28th St., Ste. 300 , New York, NY 10001
Tel: 310-606-2744
City: New York
Address: Harold Ober Associates , 425 Madison Ave. , New York, NY 10017-1133
Tel: 212-759-8600
