Charles Rapp Enterprises, Inc.


Charles Rapp Enterprises, Inc. , 88 Pine St., Ste. 1701 , New York, NY 10005
Charles Rapp Enterprises, Inc. , 10775 Santa Laguna Dr. , Boca Raton, FL 33428
City: Valley Village
Address: Debra Manners Talent , 4804 Laurel Canyon Blvd., #1087 , Valley Village, CA 91607
City: New York
Address: dixon talent, inc. , 375 Greenwich St., Fifth Fl. , New York, NY 10013
Tel: 212-965-4666
City: New York
Address: Nouveaux Talent Mgmt , 200 Rector Place, Ste. 29N , New York, NY 10280
Tel: 516-295-2017
City: London
Address: Mixed Bag Management , London, England
Tel: 075 3934 2977
City: Los Angeles
Address: Ovation Management , 12028 National Blvd. , Los Angeles, CA 90064
Tel: 310-489-7772
City: Los Angeles
Address: Gartner/Green Entertainment , 5225 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 750 , Los Angeles, CA 90036
Tel: 323-933-2000
City: New York, Los Angeles
Address: Circle of Confusion , 270 Lafayette St., Ste. 402 , New York, NY 10012, Circle of Confusion , 8931 Ellis Ave. , Los Angeles, CA 90034
Tel: 212-343-0069
City: Bel Air
Address: Red NJ Entertainment , 2934-1/2 Beverly Glen Circle, Ste. 367 , Bel Air, CA 90077
Tel: 310-749-8151
City: Los Angeles
Address: CEG-Cohesive Entertainment Group , 4751 Wilshire Blvd., Third Fl. , Los Angeles, CA 90064
Tel: 310-990-4707
City: Los Angeles
Address: Trancas Management , 2021 Pontius Ave., Second Fl. , Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: 310-477-6569
City: Galloway Township
Address: Alpha Centauri Management , 432 Ebony Tree Ave. , Galloway Township, NJ 08205
Tel: 609-338-9588
City: Los Angeles
Address: Mosaic , 407 N. Maple Dr., Ste. 100 , Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: 310-786-4900
