Hopscotch Pictures


Hopscotch Pictures , 1051 N. Cole Ave., Ste. B , Los Angeles, CA 90038
City: Beverly Hills
Address: Smart Entertainment , 9595 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 900 , Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: 310-205-6090
City: Pacific Palisades
Address: MegaTrend Management , 710 Hartzell St. , Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Tel: 818-634-2553
City: New York
Address: Barney Oldfield Management , 610 Fifth Ave., #4956 , New York, NY 10185
Tel: 323-302-5426
City: Los Angeles
Address: Jeff Sussman Management , Los Angeles, CA
Tel: 818-501-9400
City: Malibu Lake
Address: Richard Schwartz Management , Malibu Lake, CA 91301
City: Sherman Oaks
Address: David Martin Management , 13849 Riverside Dr. , Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
Tel: 818-981-8686
City: Beverly Hills
Address: Alan David Management , 8840 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 200 , Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Tel: 310-358-3155
City: Burbank
Address: The Nacelle Company , 2660 W. Olive Ave. , Burbank, CA 91505
Tel: 818-295-5000
City: Burbank
Address: Unified Management , 4231 National Ave. , Burbank, CA 91505
Tel: 818-954-9944
City: Reseda, New York
Address: CMA Entertainment , P.O. Box 372153 , Reseda, CA 91337, CMA Entertainment , New York, NY
Tel: 818-280-6325
City: Century City
Address: The Michael Abrams Group , 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Ste. 1100 , Century City, CA 90067
Tel: 3210-498-6629
City: Sherman Oaks
Address: MEG Management (Miller Entertainment Group) , 15303 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 900 , Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: 323-932-6500
