Lawrence International Corporation


Lawrence International Corporation , 8981 W. Sunset Blvd., Ste. 312 , Los Angeles, CA 90069
City: Los Angeles
Address: Monster Talent Management, Inc. , 6333 W. Third St., Ste. 912 , Los Angeles, CA 90036
Tel: 323-965-9696
City: Boston, New York
Address: Scott Heigelmann , 60 State St. , Boston, MA 02109, Scott Heigelmann , 1325 Avenue of the Americas , New York, NY 10019
City: Beverly Hills
Address: Management 360 , 9111 Wilshire Blvd. , Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Tel: 310-272-7000
City: Los Angeles
Address: Unnamed Yorn Management Company , 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Third Fl., N. Tower , Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tel: 310-775-8600
City: Los Angeles
Address: Omniquest Media , 1416 N. La Brea Ave. , Los Angeles, CA 90028
Tel: 323-802-1630
City: Los Angeles
Address: Creative Management Entertainment Group (CMEG) , 2050 S. Bundy Dr., Ste. 280 , Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel: 310-207-7333
City: New York
Address: Stan Scottland Artists , 157 E. 57th St., #18-B , New York, NY 10022
Tel: 212-421-5168
City: Los Angeles
Address: Joan Green Management , 1836 Courtney Terrace , Los Angeles, CA 90046
Tel: 323-878-0484
City: Sherman Oaks
Address: LG Management , Sherman Oaks, CA
Tel: 818-290-3190
City: Burbank
Address: Maxwell Garafolo Management , 135 E Olive Ave., #4229 , Burbank, CA 91503
Tel: 818-561-4680
City: Los Angeles
Address: Elevate Entertainment , 6300 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 807 , Los Angeles, CA 90048
Tel: 323-634-0748
City: New York
Address: Cobalt Sky Entertainment , New York, NY 10013
Tel: 212-614-6700
