Protégé Entertainment


Protégé Entertainment , 710 E. Angeleno Ave. , Burbank, CA 91501
City: Los Angeles
Address: Mosaic , 407 N. Maple Dr., Ste. 100 , Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Tel: 310-786-4900
City: Warren, New York
Address: IPZ , 95 Mount Bethel Rd. , Warren, NJ 07059, IPZ , 60 W. 23rd St., Ste. 1904 , New York, NY 10010
Tel: 908-546-7655
City: Astoria
Address: Prevail Artist Management , 28-24 Steinway St., #309 , Astoria, NY 11103
City: Encino
Address: Quinn Management , 17328 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 416 , Encino, CA 91316
Tel: 818-267-4328
City: Culver City
Address: Pure Arts , Culver City, CA 90232
Tel: 310-444-7383
City: Los Angeles
Address: GEF Entertainment , 611 N. Cherokee Ave. , Los Angeles, CA 90004
Tel: 310-888-1800
City: Voorhees
Address: Cathy Parker Management/Bruzzese-Parker Management LLC. , P.O. Box 1436 , Voorhees, NJ 08043
City: Los Angeles
Address: The Seven Bridges Group, LLC , 10940 Wilshire Blvd., 16th Fl. , Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: 415-490-6184
City: Sherman Oaks
Address: Scott Hart Entertainment , 14622 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 746 , Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Tel: 818-906-0750
City: New York
Address: Brookside Artist Management , 250 W. 57th St., Ste. 2303 , New York, NY 10107
Tel: 212-489-4929
City: Beverly Hills
Address: The Siegal Company/Siegal Entertainment , 9025 Wilshire Blvd., Penthouse Ste. , Beverly Hills, CA 90211
City: New York
Address: Viking Entertainment , 445 W. 23rd St., Ste. 1A , New York, NY 10011
Tel: 212-620-5100
