Arena Stage at the Mead Center for American Theater


Arena Stage at the Mead Center for American Theater , 1101 6th St. S.W. , Washington, DC 20024
City: Atlanta
Address: Fabrefaction Theatre , 999 Brady Ave. , Atlanta, GA 30318
Tel: 404-876-9468
City: New Orleans, New Orleans
Address: Southern Rep Theatre , 6221 S. Claiborne Ave., Ste. 573 , New Orleans, LA 70125, Southern Rep Theatre , 6363 St. Charles Ave., Marquette Hall , New Orleans, LA 70118
Tel: 504-522-6545 (Box Office)
City: Washington
Address: GALA Hispanic Theatre , P.O. Box 43209 , Washington, DC 20010
Tel: 202-234-7174
City: Minneapolis
Address: Illusion Theater , 528 Hennepin Ave., Ste. 704 , Minneapolis, MN 55403
Tel: 612-339-4944
City: Atlanta
Address: Impulse Repertory Co. , 2178 Abner Pl., N.W. , Atlanta, GA 30318
Tel: 404-794-3283
City: Ambler
Address: Act II Playhouse , 56 E. Butler Ave., Ste. 555 , Ambler, PA 19002
Tel: 215-654-1011
City: New Haven
Address: Long Wharf Theatre , 222 Sargent Dr. , New Haven, CT 06511
Tel: 203-787-4284
