
Joy as Subject: Mardi Gras

“Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.” (Joseph Campbell)

2024 Aperture Portfolio Prize

The Aperture Portfolio Prize aims to identify trends in contemporary photography and highlight artists whose work deserves greater recognition. When choosing the first-prize winner and finalists, Aperture’s editorial staff looks for innovative bodies of work that haven’t been widely seen in major publications or exhibition venues. The Aperture Portfolio Prize is open exclusively to Aperture magazine print subscribers.

Down There

Approximately half of Earth's population has vulvar anatomy. The vulva includes, but is not limited to, the vaginal opening, labia majora, labia minora, urethral opening, mon pubis, and external clitoris. Historically relegated as shameful, dirty, or impure across cultures, bodies with vulvas and/or vaginas have been both misunderstood and insufficiently studied by scientists and doctors for centuries. Down There seeks to lift back imposed veils of stigma and mystery, bringing to the forefront conversations around vulvar anatomy, vocabulary, diversity, emotionality, etc. Visual arts media as well as writing, poetry, performance, and video submissions will all be considered.

Call for International art competition. Community Art Channel Theme: Nature

Theme: Nature

The theme that we propose in this call for competition, is open to the expression of your creativity through the manifestation of Nature, in all its expressions: plants and flowers, landscapes, animals, sunsets, the sea, etc.


Painting, drawing, graphic, digital art, photography.

Submission Deadline: 31/12/2023

Winners announcement: 08/01/2024

First prize: Solo virtual exhibition

Second prize: Solo virtual exhibition


Online Exhibition Artists who participate in our competitions will be promoted in online exhibitions on our YouTube channel and on our website, thus helping the promotion and visibility of each artist's work.

How to Apply:

Gallery Ring COLOURFUL Online Art Contest

Gallery Ring announces an online contest and exhibition which celebrates colour.  Intense, bold and vibrant colour must be the undeniable driving force behind the composition.  Colour should serve as the meaning or heart of the work and can be employed in an unconventional way.  Multi-coloured or monochromatic work is acceptable. The deadline to submit work is Thursday, January 18th 2023.  The fee is $20 US for 1-3 artworks.


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