
Crocker Kingsley

The Crocker-Kingsley Exhibition was first juried in 1940, a tradition that continues to the present day. Over the past 80 years, this prestigious show has included many premier names in American and California art, including Robert Arneson, Elmer Bischoff, Fred Dalkey, David Gilhooly, Ralph Goings, Gregory Kondos, Roland Petersen, Mel Ramos, Ruth Rippon, and Wayne Thiebaud. In the past, this competition has solely featured California artists. However, starting in 2021, the exhibition will be open to submissions from all artists nationally. Works selected by this year’s juror, Carrie Lederer will be on display in all 4 galleries at Blue Line Arts.

Juror: Carrie Lederer 

Call for Entries! (September 2020)

Art Hole is an independent artist-run and ad-free international print and online publication dedicated to showcasing and promoting experimental and progressive contemporary art, which reflects modern society and its environment, provokes conversation and action; fosters innovation and diversity of mediums which make today’s art scene so intriguing and versatile.

ELIGIBILITY: Artists are welcome to submit works in any medium.

Artists or any art organisations on behalf of artists from all countries are welcome to submit their works for consideration.

DEADLINE: 25 August 2020 


Submit images by email (high quality images)

A brief bio about the artist / artwork (120 words max)

Call for Contributions Sculptorvox Vol 4: Plastic Prognosticate

Plastic Prognosticate

Plastic: a synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers 

Prognosticate: foretell or prophesy (a future event).

We are seeking new writing, essays, interviews, creative interpretation, reviews, and photographic work that explore and respond to the title and theme ‘Plastic Prognosticate’.


You are invited to submit work that expresses notions, ideas and theories on materiality, process and future facing practices.

Living Artists of Today. CALL FOR ENTRY

Living Artists of Today: Contemporary Art. International. Vol. IV usually includes 30 to 40 artists. Each artist will be given 2 full pages that include 2-3 images and a short biography with personal contact information. Our books will be given their own International Standard Book Number (ISBN), Copyright, Library of Congress Catalogue Number, and industry registrations with over 25,000 retail outlets (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, eBay, etc.). These book title will be carried by a strategic partners of Author Solutions and by Ingram (which is the biggest distributor in the United States).

Due to the Covid-19 we are offering a 3 easy payment installments 

Off Center 2020

Since the first ceramics were created, like Venus of Dolní Věstonice, before 25,000 BCE and pottery vessels that were discovered in Jiangxi, China, which date back to 18,000 BC, people have been fascinated with clay. Northern California has a rich history of talented ceramic artists from Rob Arneson to Manuel Neri.  Blue Line Arts is excited to showcase the innovation of ceramic techniques and vision from around the world during this annual show.  Ceramic artists who want to share their vision of ceramic art are encouraged to apply. 



PILOTENKUECHE, Leipzig / Germany

ROUND46 January – March 2021

"PILOTENKUECHE" is an international art program based in Germanys new art capital Leipzig. The indipendent project is run by artists with the aim to support and empower artists.



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