Sector: printmakingstudio, Publisher, Institute
Country: Asia
Country: Japan
Asia: Japan
City: Tokyo
Size: 11 - 50 employees
Address: 3-13-17 Shimoochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 161-0033, JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-3951-1267

- About -

Ukiyo-e prints, which are loved around the world as an iconic part of Japan, are produced through the collaboration of an artist, a carver, and a printer. Hokusai and Hiroshige, among others, were ukiyo-e artists called “eshi,” who were specialists in creating sketches for ukiyo-e prints. The ukiyo-e they created were truly mirrors of the times, reflecting social conditions and historical backgrounds. The Adachi Foundation is calling for 21st century ukiyo-e artists that depict "ukiyo” or “the current times.”