
International 'The Art of Nature & Spring' 2D & 3D Virtual Exhibition Open Call

Stanisonne Art Gallery is an international online contemporary art gallery, based in Berlin and is calling talented artists from all around the world, no matter their background and level of experience, to apply to participate in our 2D and 3D virtual exhibition ‘The Art of Nature & Spring’.

Artists are invited to capture the essence of nature—its beauty, potential for growth, and energy—in their works, embodying the ability of nature to rebirth and human evolution through the philosophy of renewal, metamorphosis, and a sense of connection.

Join Imago - Open call for Independant artists

Imago is a newly born online platform aiming to promote and sell the work of independent artists and support them in their communication.

Right now and in the near future the platform is maintained on a voluntary basis ; It is important to us is to keep a DIY aspect to remain flexible, free, and operable with low costs. Unlike a traditional gallery, there are no fees involved for the participating artists and no percentage cuts on sales.

The base idea of Imago is to grow a dynamic community, and to help out with problems of visibility and obstacles when it comes to sell art.

The project is still in its early stages and i am looking for enthusiastic artists to join the platform !

Modern Renaissance Magazine Open Call for Art

Submit your work to be featured in the Winter issue of our magazine, Modern Renaissance, where you'll find art and writing, editorials, articles, interviews, gallery features, event coverage, and more in THE LATEST TOPICS AND TRENDS IN GLOBAL ARTS WORLD! Be featured alongside editorials under partnerships with some of the world's leading art institutions and leading artists and writers, regardless of your skill level or age! Get your art career started with Culturally Arts Collective. With interviews and articles covering the hottest arts topics/trends and the people you'll want to know, gain ample international exposure with 70,000+ monthly downloads!

The magazine will be digitally on our website or with physical printed copies with a new issue on the 15th of January!

DEADLINE EXTENDED! BBA Photography Prize 2025


You asked and we answered. There are now a few more days left to enter the BBA Photography Prize 2025. 

Photographers, we still want you! BBA Prizes is turning 10 and to celebrate, we are holding our biggest exhibition ever. Enter to be part of our major anniversary exhibition at Kühlhaus Berlin.

All styles and themes are welcome. We are searching for the best talent from all over the world, no matter your background. Enter today, be featured tomorrow and have your work exhibited in Berlin. Cash prizes, solo exhibitions, online promotions + more to be won!

Are you a photographer? Then enter now!

Final Deadline: 17.02.2025


DEADLINE EXTENDED! You asked and we answered. There are now a few more days left to enter the BBA Artist Prize 2025.

Artists, we still want you! BBA Prizes is turning 10 and to celebrate, we are holding our biggest exhibition ever. Enter to be part of our major anniversary exhibition at Kühlhaus Berlin.

All styles and themes are welcome. We are searching for the best talent from all over the world, no matter your background. Enter today, be featured tomorrow and have your work exhibited in Berlin. Cash prizes, solo exhibitions, online promotions + more to be won!

Are you an artist? Then enter now!

Final Deadline: 17.02.2025

The Social Art Award

The Institute for Art and Innovation invites all artists and creatives to apply with their works to the Social Art Award 2025.

The work of the 3 winners will receive special recognition, including interviews, and may be showcased at events such as BitBasel and potential touring exhibitions, including COP 30 in Belém, Brazil.

This year, we focus on the urgent need for ocean restoration, biodiversity protection, and fostering harmony between humans and other species.

We encourage artists to address themes such as:


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