Fine Arts

MUSE - Metamorphosis

Metamorphosis - ' after' the 'form'. The caterpillar 'weaves a cloak' of a cacoon to becomes a butterfly. A divine metaphor to remind us that change is imprinted, change is required, and it reveals unseen capabilitities. Fear and thrill, longing and delusion, retreat and awakening,  accompany the turmoil of the senses, exalted by the urge of the individual...or the world to transform. 
Where are the stimuli for transformation rooted?
Application for the second edition of MUSE is now open!
Glena Art Studio is inviting you to apply for the 2nd edition of Muse - Masquerade ball. Live music. Art, hosted for a second year by Candid Arts Gallery.

2023 Foundwork Artist Prize: $10,000 Juried Grant with Studio Visits and Interview

The Foundwork Artist Prize is an annual juried grant awarded to recognize outstanding practices by emerging and mid-career artists working in any media. 

The 2023 honoree will receive an unrestricted $10,000 grant and studio visits with each of the distinguished jurors. 

In addition, the honoree and three shortlisted artists will be invited for long-form interviews as part of the Foundwork Dialogues program to further public engagement with their practices. 

The jury for the 2023 Foundwork Artist Prize includes esteemed curators, gallerists, and artists based in Los Angeles, Medellín, Miami, and New York:

Alex Gartenfeld, Artistic Director, Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) Miami, Miami

Davida Nemeroff, Founder, Night Gallery, Los Angeles


Submission Deadline Extended: July 30, 2023

The Untitled Space invites artists to apply for a Solo Exhibition to take place at the gallery in Tribeca, New York this Fall/Winter 2023. The selected artist will be awarded a solo exhibition that will be presented as an in-person solo show at the gallery on Lispenard Street located in the Tribeca Arts District of New York City. 

Call For Art: Create! Magazine Issue #41: Juried by Victoria Fry, Visionary Art Collective NYC

Create! Magazine is thrilled to announce the call for entries for print issue #41, juried by Victoria Fry, founder of Visionary Art Collective, a New York City contemporary art and artist development company.

As an artist, you know how important it is to get your work in front of new audiences, curators, and leaders in the art world, which is why we are so passionate about creating these opportunities to help you to do just that.

A prominent curator, educator, and mentor, Victoria Fry, will jury this competition. The showcase will highlight the work of 30 talented artists from diverse creative backgrounds using various media and disciplines.

Link to form:

The New Artist | 5th Edition | Call For Artists

Join The New Artist 5th Edition - Reflecting Our Changing World. 


In the past century, humanity has leapt from the moon landing to the rise of social media, from the defense of human rights to the birth of new art forms. We're living in an era of accelerated change that requires us to transcend, adapt, and redefine. 


You, as artists, are our eyes in the storm, our pioneers and truth-seekers. You turn challenges into inspiration, question the status quo, and manifest the soul of our era.


Our upcoming exhibition offers you a stage to reflect the pulse of our rapidly changing world. The goal is to understand current trends in contemporary art and foster a dynamic conversation between you, the artists, and your audience.


Real Art Awards 2023

Real Art Ways is now accepting submissions for the 2023 Real Art Awards. This competition is open to emerging artists living and working in New England, New Jersey, or New York. Entries will be accepted through July 24, 2023. Apply online:

Six chosen artists will receive a $2,500 cash prize, solo exhibition, professional documentation, commissioned essay, curatorial assistance, and more. There is no charge to participate.

2023 Jury:

Aki Sasamoto: Installation and performance artist, educator
Devin Kenny: Artist, writer, musician, curator
Will K. Wilkins: Executive Director, Real Art Ways


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