
Echo of the Seasons

Agora Gallery is pleased to announce Echo of the Seasons, featuring paintings and digital prints that celebrate nature's cyclical beauty, capturing the ebb and flow of the natural world as a reflection of our internal landscapes. The work explores not only the external splendor of the environment but also the deeper emotional and psychological resonances that nature evokes within us. Each work on display taps into the collective human experience, revealing how moments in time—fleeting and monumental—shape who we are.

Yasmine Anlan Huang and Diyou Yu: Weighty is the Wood, Tender is the Night

Date and time

Sat, 2 Nov 2024 14:00 - 16:00 GMT


Small Gallery 斯磨畫廊

12 Blakeney Close London N20 9LH United Kingdom

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About this event

Event lasts 2 hours

As part of ‘London is Calling: Emerging Artist Initiative,’ Small Gallery is proud to present a two-person exhibition Weighty is the Wood, Tender is the Night 木與夜孰長.

STORIES OF IDENTITY - From hidden places to daily life

On Saturday 12 October 2024 from 6.30 p.m. at the Cultural hypogeum Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera-Magna Grecia in Via Fiorentini 103-107 in the Sassi of Matera, the opening of Stories of Identity - From hidden places to daily life, an international art exhibition, is scheduled. 

It will be possible to visit the exhibition from 12 to 31 October 2024, from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Free admission.

David Mason: Framing the American Experience

Join us for the highly anticipated exhibition "David Mason: Framing the American Experience," showcasing the stunning works of California native David Mason. This exhibition will open November 1st, 2024 at Barbagelata Contemporary Art Foundation. 

Load Gallery Unveils Mario Rodríguez's Portals: A Journey Through Spiritual Contemplation

Load Gallery is excited to announce the debut solo digital exhibition of Mario Rodríguez (MAREO), titled Portals. This exhibition offers a profound exploration of landscape as a source of spiritual contemplation.

Il filo di Turandot

Sabato 12 ottobre, giornata del Contemporaneo AMACI, MA-EC inaugura presso il Museo MIIT di Torino la mostra collettiva Il filo di Turandot.

In dialogo 26 artisti provenienti da Germania, Colombia, Romania, Italia, Cina che esporranno oltre 30 opere tra oli su tela, fotografie, opere su carta e lavori realizzati con tecniche miste.


Il progetto è alla sua seconda edizione, dopo quella del 2020 che era stata realizzata solo in modalità virtuale.


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