Peter Homan

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Statement : 

Peter finds solace and respite in his art where he can create a world without the chronic pain condition he lives with. By using fire and setting his paintings alight he can channel his energy into painting abstract images of this pain. Peters recent work is purely concentrated on mastering his fire painting technique combining oil paint and the element of fire to create works based on the elements and the ever-changing seasonsaround him. Peters latest inspiration draws from feelings of nostalgia by painting flowers from his childhood onto one of his fired canvas.

Hydrangea by the lake Powerscourt
Oil and fire on canvas. 100x 100cm
Rhododendron, Massey Woods Dublin.
Oils and fire on canvas 80 x 80 cm

Peter is an Irish artist based in Dublin. His latest body of work continues to be inspired by drawing form the elements and seasons using the light and texture to create images of landscapes and skyscapes or painting abstract images of his pain he lives with. Or drawing inspiration from feelings of nostalgia and painting flowers from his childhood onto a fired canvas.

United Kingdom UK
United Kingdom
United States
Brookyln NY



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