Audrey Albert

Country where you live:

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Statement : 

Matter out of place is about hidden truths, concealment and forced displacement. It sheds a light on an unfair and shameful page of Mauritian and British history in which the entire population of The Chagos Archipelago was forcefully displaced from their homeland due to political agendas between 1968 – 1973. As a native of the island of Mauritius, with Chagossian origins, I explore Chagossian culture and history through food, music, objects and souvenirs.

Building narratives around specific artifacts and around The Chagos Archipelago as an invisible location, Matter Out of Place draws attention to the aftermath of colonialism and the struggles of the Chagossian community.

Balye Koko
Work Credit: 
Audrey Albert
Bross Koko
Work Credit: 
Audrey Albert
Work Credit: 
Audrey Albert
Coconut Chaos
Work Credit: 
Audrey Albert

Darkroom experiments, documenting memories, culture and researching identity within history.

Recording the unrecordable, photographic narratives, memories, paraphernalia, music and the smell of vanilla.

Audrey Albert’s research-led practice enables her to consider and investigate themes of national identity, tradition, and denial. Born in Mauritius, she studied Political Science with a specialisation in Media and Communication at the University of Mauritius from 2009 - 2013. Audrey is currently based in Manchester after studying photography at the Manchester Metropolitan University.

United States
United Kingdom
South Korea



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