Pie Herring

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Statement : 

Predominantly working in oils, Pie’s practice explores ideas centred around the modern-day female and their rebellion against traditional social narratives regarding their womanhood. She is interested in antiquated notions of beauty, and how these representations of women are routinely depicted in mainstream media and consumer outlets. Pie seeks to subvert these ideals and identify ways in which the painting process itself can be considered a deconstruction of conventional norms.

Rebrand (2020)
Oil on Canvas, 155 x 130cm.
Sense (2020)
Oil on Canvas, 92 x 152cm.
Goodness Has Nothing To Do With It (2020)
Oil on Canvas, 155 x 130cm.

Pie is a London-based artist who graduated from Edinburgh College of Art in 2018 with a First-Class honours degree in painting. Her work has been exhibited in a number of exhibitions. Notable highlights include the ‘Young London Painters’ group show in November 2018 and the Royal Scottish Academy’s New Contemporaries Exhibition 2019 where she was awarded the Carnegie scholarship. Most recently, Pie's work has been exhibited in a group show at the Oxo Gallery, London which saw artists collaborating with people living with rare diseases in the UK.

The United States
New Jersey
Republic of Korea
United States of America



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